The Dead Hamsters

Anybody make the connection between the father's mention of the kid's "bad luck" with hamsters near the beginning and his mother's discovery of the book on "killing and skinning animals" near the end?

*Danny's not here Mrs. Torrance*


Dem's good eatin'

What are they doing? Why do they come here?
Some kind of instinct, memory, what they used to do.


Guess that explains why the kid was so fat, eh?

*Danny's not here Mrs. Torrance*


Haha they should have given that kid a pet salad.

S you in your A's Don't wear a C and J all over your B's


I suspected something at the beginning, but lost the connection later on. It reminded me of a classic Gahan Wilson cartoon in which a little girl's parents are watching over her veiled, black-garbed form as she buries yet another animal in a back yard filled with little graves, commenting "she has such bad luck with pets, but she does so enjoy these little funerals".



Not until you mentioned it. Makes sense, though.
