The adorable Jim Parsons!!

I'm a huge Sheldon Cooper fan, and I rented this movie just to see Jim. He was adorable!! It was fun to see him play someone who's not too bright. I also love how they left it up to interpretation whether he was really that fruity or madly in love with Maggie's character.

I also wondered what happened to him after the movie, more so than the psycho child. Any ideas?


I also wondered if he was in love with Maggie's character. But if he was a gay guy, he might just be enamored of her style.


I saw this just to see Jim pre-Sheldon, too. He was spot-on as the fumbling star-struck guy; and so different from Sheldon.. very interesting actor. I only wish he would do more roles in movies.



When he said, "This cake is easiest on the hips too." to the overweight girl I was glad I wasn't drinking anything because I would have done a spit-take all over the room.
I was getting the feeling that the story was gonna be Maggis's character boiling over and blowing up at the girl for not paying 100% attention to something that was the most important thing in the world to Maggie's character and ruin her own career.
Then he drops that bomb out of left field.
I could almost hear the record needle scratch across the LP.
