MovieChat Forums > Beowulf & Grendel (2006) Discussion > Very Few Blacks in Denmark, 500AD, Oh my...

Very Few Blacks in Denmark, 500AD, Oh my heavens.

Very few blacks in Denmark, 500 AD.
Also very few black in the Russo-Finnish war
Finland, 1939 as portrayed in "The Cuckoo".

How totally dreadful.


and your point, ass wipe??


I'm thinking the dude's point is to poke fun at the politically correct nazis who are currently reigning supreme in the US.

If you haven't noticed it has slowly transpired and become accepted in the past 15 years or so, that the people responsible for all of the suffering and grief in this world and all throughout history are White Males. I happen to be one myself. And apparently, although my ancestors on both sides of my family only made it from Ukraine to the US in the 1920's, and before that were Serfs from time immemorial.........apparently I am somehow responsible for slavery, chauvenism, sexism, mercantilism, colonialism, etc. ad nauseum.

In fact, so accepted is it presently that I am the most evil of evil incarnates, that I (the white male) am always portrayed on TV Commercials as stupid, infantile, lacking restraint, boyish, in need of guidance from my wife, or in need of restriction and advice from my wife because I am a big, fat, dumb, immature oaf. Furthermore, black or hispanic comedians can make fun of the way I speak, walk, or act at will with no charges of racism leveled against them. It's open season on WHITEY. Yet, if the situation were reversed, there would be hell to pay. It is true my friends.....I the white male am the spawn of satan to all minorities and women!

To end this ramble and get to the point, A244 is merely being a bit of a troller with this subject matter. But I can't help but esteem him for his efforts. Follow me a bit longer if you will. I have recently watched the trailer for the upcoming movie 300, which stars Gerard Butler also. It is about the Battle of Thermopylae between the Greeks and Persians in 480 B.C. Apart from the fact that the trailer literally blew my face off with how gorgeous and awesome it looked, there were some thoughts I had just like A244 as I watched it.

Throughout the trailer, their are WHITE Spartan Greeks committing violence against attacking Persian/Semitic/Middle Eastern and Black/Nubian/Egyptian Marine Conscripts. Now.... I will bet my left nutsac that some moron next year when this kick ass film arrives in theaters....some moron.....will level the charge of RACISM against the studios for portraying whites defending against the "immigrant" onslaught of non-whites.

This is where I blow off steam! To said moron, "If you would simply check your history books, you would indeed realize that Hellas/Greece was in 480 B.C. pretty much as it is today ---NOT INHABITED BY TOO MUCH OTHER THAN CAUCASIANS!--- When Xerxes decided to attack, he brought representations of his myriad peoples of his empire with him. And yes, the Persian Empire at that time was the largest the World had ever seen. So in the movie 300, there will a lot of White People killing People who aren't necessarily White. And guess what! Believe it or not, the White people in this movie are actually resisting domination and subjugation of their individuality and City/State freedoms from being enveloped and lost forever in time. I know you may find it difficult to believe, but at this one moment in time, their may actually have been some decent White People struggling to preserve their freedoms. Sacrificing their lives. And in doing so, keeping alive the idea of Individualism and Democracy; from which this currently screwed up Nation from Hell, the U.S. has inherited much of what used to be good about it..... In closing... PISS OFF!"

So yeah... I applaud A244. I'm sure some idiot out there is complaining that there weren't enough minorities portrayed in this film. Well, somebody show me a text documenting blacks in Denmark in 500 A.D. and I'll believe you. But most likely, I'm guessing the chances of that are about as remote as finding documentation for Whites in Botswanaland in 1500 B.C.



Well, no, a so-called minority did not steal my girlfriend.

Anger? Obsession with race? Nahhhh... Just venting to the tone of this thread.

As far as "politically correct nazis" being an idiotic phrase....... I think it is a pretty damn cool phrase... I personally don't give a damn what race anyone is, just so they aren't a freakin moron. And unfortunately, the moron factor applies to all races equally at around 85-90%..... So anyway.... There....and stuff -BUTTHEAD.


If Hollywood had gotten its paws on this film then Will Smith would have played Beowulf and Whoopi Goldberg would have played Selma the Witch.


TWO black people in the same movie? Now hold it right there buster!

"There I was...
Mother of God! There I am!"
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


How about Beyonce, Eddie Murphey and Jamie Foxx.. now wouldnt that be funny if... hey.. wait a minute!



There are more people that agree with you then you think, XrayAtheist, and we're getting mighty pissed at the way the world is shaping up.


Amen to that


ditto, the PC level this days is insane... as a matter of fact they are making another Beowulf remake, this time with black lead actor...


LMAO @ people wanting Beowulf and Grendel to a politically correct film.


I think I am in love with you.



Nothing exists more beautifully than nothing.


word xray, i liked your response


I totally agree with most of you statements. I'd rather see a historically correct film than a politically correct one. It would look kinda funny to see a "alibi minority" in, lets say, a film about the Zulu wars in South Africa. That would probably be a Hispanic woman, fighting along side the Zulus while a Inuit man provide kayaks for the Zulus to escape so the Dutch don’t slaughter them..

Lets just face the fact that most Nazis where German and they were white, while most Africans are black, most Mexicans are brown while most Chinese are of a yellow tint. Honesty is always better, always. How can we learn from history if we are forging it?




Noe even most of it. You need to broaden your horizons.


My, aren't we an ignorant bunch. I highly suggest everyone take a good look in the history books. I'd just like to remind everyone that while I'm sure all cultures (I will deliberately not use "race" here) have something to be proud of, there are atrocities committed by all cultures throughout history. "Race" often has nothing to do with it. And a further reminder that "race" is a pretty poor term to use to try and identify a group. Black people in the Caribbean have very little in common culturally with North Africans, and Caucasian people in Iceland are extremely different from those in South Africa.
Check your geography and your history, and shut up until you do.


My, aren't we an ignorant bunch. I highly suggest everyone take a good look in the history books. I'd just like to remind everyone that while I'm sure all cultures (I will deliberately not use "race" here) have something to be proud of, there are atrocities committed by all cultures throughout history. "Race" often has nothing to do with it. And a further reminder that "race" is a pretty poor term to use to try and identify a group. Black people in the Caribbean have very little in common culturally with North Africans, and Caucasian people in Iceland are extremely different from those in South Africa.
Check your geography and your history, and shut up until you do.

The use of reason,rationale, and common sense is strictly FORBIDDEN on

There can be only one...


Right on. Well said.


Ha! ha! ha! ha! Okaaay, XrayAtheist. Ha! ha! ha!




I am speaking about any movie that has one person who is a different race from everyone else in the film. You misread my statement and assumed that I was one of those who says minorities= NOT white. I never said that. Of course white people may not be the majority in the world. Australia and Europe(excluding half of Russia) are two of the smallest continents in the world. Asia and Africa are the largest. You read me wrong, mortifier.

Oh yeah,... I'm cool.



I'm afraid, mortifier, that your comment is what exactly I just said. I did not once specifically say that I wasn't referring to white people as minorities, too. The minority and majority all depends on where you live. White people may be the majority in Europe and blacks or Asians or someone else the minorities. However, whites would be the minority in somewhere like Africa. Where I live now, white people are indeed the majority, but where I used to live they were the minorities. I am not ignorant. I am aware that minorities, as I previously stated, are not limited to non-whites. Yes, some people are indeed ignorant, but I am not one of them.

Oh yeah,... I'm cool.


Call me racist, but it ****s me off when I see Africans taking the glory for my ancestor's accomplishments.

Yes and this is what it ALL COMES DOWN TO.
My g-d are you telling me your a "white" human who has a blood line and rich past as well as every one and there brother?

But, did not the history books not tell you the "white race" is nothing but war mongering slave tradeing religious inforceing monsters while the rest of the human race was liveing in peace and harmony with each other and nature?!

HA! Dont feed me a bag of bull-crap.....the human race as a whole is war mongering slave tradeing religious inforceing culture rapeing nutbags!

I wounder......if such thigs do make this world go around, truthfully I could be wrong but this misinformation only seems to be a America high school text book error....belive me there is no such thing as innocents when it comes to man only degrees of regret and at worst self hate.



>The pyramids themselves are greater then any Western European accomplishment that exists. *waits for some moron to come and say Egyptians aren't Black at all but really brown Greeks lmao*

This guy probably thinks all the ancient Egyptians were black and the only reason that there are white people in Egypt today is because the evil nasty Muslims and Christians who came in later (read: white people) kicked all the black people out. If you ask what happened to the blacks who were displaced by the whites, there's never a good answer, though the most amusing ones I've heard are that they were all sold as slaves to other countries or even that they were all killed, every single last one of them and that explains why nobody understands "the real truth about ancient Egypt." Pure bigotry. (LMAO)

I only watch DVDs. I prefer unrated versions and access to alternate endings and deleted scenes.


ok gang here's my two cents..

first off, if you think a film is racist purely by the colour of the actors skin, you my friend are the racist. Spartans are technically not white, so about 10 of these threads are instantly invalid. Its not about colour. If you had such an issue why dont you get your boards out and protest Zulu for being racist. By your own comparison that must be the most racist film on the planet.

Next up.. attacking a Nordic story!!! That was one of the very first written tales outside of Homer. If you think its racist that there isn't any black people in it, then your going to have to go straight out and put cuffs on spike lee for not putting white people in his movies. Infact, if your going to condemn Zach Synder and ..ahem.. HISTORY then stick chris rock, martin lawerance and above all dave shapell in the same bracket.

You should never sacrifice historical accuracy (as accurate as it can be) for PC rants from guilt ridden white people. Lets face it, there are a few black extremists, but most of the people point the finger and shout racist are white people, we're totally self destructive.

Are you lot going to complain that there isn't enough black people in Iwo Jima? Do you not think that by demanding a racial minimum prepresentation your degrading those people?


Sounds silly doesnt it.

If you want to remove racism you must remove race. We're all people. I just want accurate exciting cinema.


lord of the rings is the most racist book / film ever created if your this anal about.. well everything.

i have dyslexia so apologies for my spelling.

hugs and kisses round the world


"Spartans are technically not white"

Yes, they are. They are European caucasians no matter how badly you little anti-white scum suckers try to pervert our history. I doubt you've ever seen a Greek in your life, there are even blonde Greeks you ignorant sack of *beep*


Perhaps, randir14-1, you should look into the definition of 'caucasian'. I mean, you guys are STILL using the erroneous term of 'white' and 'black' as if it actually gives any information on nationality/ethnicity. You might as well say that the Russians and Irish and the Germans are actually one and the same.


XrayAtheist is the man! if I had time to do blogs like i would agree whole heartedly!




Oh yeah,... I'm cool.


I was in Denmark in 2002 and there were few blacks then. But who the *beep* cares? I sure didn't lose sleep over it :)


mate I am a dane, and can anyone blame blacks that they aren't here it is freakin freezing here. One of my classmates is from Africa and every winter he is freezing his ass off.... Maybe that is a reason:D


I don't mind the cold temps(I'm black myself but from America), hell I'm leaving for a 10-day trip to Russia tomorrow.

PS: Are you from Copenhagen? What a dynamic, vibrant place! I'd like to holiday there again.



No not Copenhagen, Aarhus in Jutland.. A city known as the smallest big city in northen europe.

And fair enough, might also depend on who you are, I was born in denmark and I mind the freakin cold!


common youre a dane, i'm dutch and dont mind the freakin' cold, we always have this extreme cold wind from the northsea coast were i live and its always constant, it can freeze youre nutsack clear off, i was even born in late novenmber in the freezing cold, it may not snow this winter but the wind makes the average temperature here extremely low. doesnt really matter if youre black or not, it just matters if you have been living here all your life, so ofcourse someone from a warm climate would find it freaking unbarable to live here.



This thread is hilarious. Truth is, every race has something to be proud of. It just so happens that here in America white people write the history books. So "Indians" and Mexicans were wild savages, Columbus "discovered" America, blacks only excel at athletics and whites invented everything. Let's get real here, NOTHING you read is 100% accurate and every race has significant accomplishments and major blemishes on it. If you want to poke out your chest and be proud of your race because of its industrial achievments then also claim responsibility for the current state of global warming (yeah it's real but we're not going to do anything about it until it's too late). You want the ying, then you have to take the yang along with it.


the irony of course is that, apart from extremists, the only people who are still obsessed with race are the PC brigade. Most of the rest of us already know and recognise that race is irrelevant.

The whole concept of someone being 'proud of their race' makes me laugh.


This thread is hilarious. Truth is, every race has something to be proud of. It just so happens that here in America white people write the history books. So "Indians" and Mexicans were wild savages, Columbus "discovered" America, blacks only excel at athletics and whites invented everything. Let's get real here, NOTHING you read is 100% accurate and every race has significant accomplishments and major blemishes on it. If you want to poke out your chest and be proud of your race because of its industrial achievments then also claim responsibility for the current state of global warming (yeah it's real but we're not going to do anything about it until it's too late). You want the ying, then you have to take the yang along with it.

Using reason,rationale, and common sense is strictly FORBIDDEN on

There can be only one...


>Truth is, every race has something to be proud of.

Let's take the converse of your statement too, Soul5. We can say that every race and every culture has been as imperialistic as time and resources have allowed, and have subjugated, demonized and just plain wiped out other races and cultures. Too bad, it's human nature.

Every race has plenty not to be proud of, as well.

The dominant party in each and every conflict has written the history of that conflict, whether it's scrawled on cave walls with the blood of the defeated, chiseled into stone tablets, or lightly brushed cuneiform on papyrus scrolls.

White people have only had the fortune (or the misfortune) to be dominant during the media age (since Gutenberg.)

See "Guns, Germs and Steel."


I wonder, sometimes, are these generation after generation of American middle class kids that in spite of the availability of information anywhere who kind of give the impression of being stupid and backwards?!? LOL! Ahhh-I got to leave, this is stupid. The information is out there for those who just get off their ass and do research. I'm outta here....



I'm Icelandic.


"Every race and nationality has done SOMETHING to be proud of"
Not Icelandic people.


we won the english in war with bolt cutters, im proud !


"Every race and nationality has done SOMETHING to be proud of"
Not Icelandic people.

Well, didn't they (Leif (or Leifr) Ericson) discover North America - about 500 years ahead of Columbus? He was of Norwegian decent, born in Iceland.

