Three or Four Parts?

All the information I've seen says that this is a three-part series, but on YouTube someone has uploaded a fourth part, "Epilogue," which looks to be about two hours itself. It's in Spanish, though.

Anyone know what the details about this are? Did they supplement the original with an epilogue down the line, or was this fan-made?


It's three part docu-drama followed by 90 min. documentary film "Speer und er: Nachspiel - Die Täuschung" (Speer and He: Epilogue - The Deception). Here's the imdb link:

It pretty much says (in form of interviews with his publisher, editor and other people) that he wrote his books to manipulate people to believe that he was a good Nazi when in reality he was a lying bastard that lied about his knowledge about the Holocaust to save his a$$ in Nuremberg.


Thanks for the info!


Do you know where I can view it?
