I usually defend...

I usually defend my country when people resort to "america bashing" on the internet. It seems every where I turn these days people are saying how stupid americans are, and I've always thought we could be lowbrow, but one the whole we are a decent and intelligent sort. Well after realizing this is actually a show, and has been on the air for years even, I can no longer defend against these allegations. And there are even people here defending it and calling it a good show for whatever reason.

In other words, this show is so bad I am embarrassed to live in the country that made it. And moreso to be from the country that has people who watch it. I will admit to sometimes be drawn in by an occasional "court show" when channel flipping. There have been a couple that are actually decent for what they are. But this abomination has none of that appeal.

It is obviously fake first of all. So from there, why even watch. Honestly, without even getting in to the rest of the insulting tastelessness of the show, WHY would you watch a staged fake confrontations? What on earth is the appeal of that? I realize Springer et al are really faked also, but at least they kind of pretend to be real so as to trick the dumber among us, but I can't see ANYONE falling for this stuff. Plus it's apparent from reading this board that people KNOW it's fake, yet still watch it. Why? Really, why? The point is the "humiliation" the person goes through, but it is fake humiliation, so what the hell?

Then for my final sad rant... The one "case" I could sit through involved a semen stain. A stain that involved pictures for the crowd. If it wasn't stupid enough on that point alone and pretty much sum up the show, the stain looked like white paint. If semen stains really looked like cups of white paint...Whatever, enough. Anyone that watches or enjoys this show, please exit the country and preserve what little dignity we have left. Thank you.


> It is obviously fake first of all. So from there, why even watch.

You know that every sitcom and prime-time drama is fake, right? Some of the most popular TV shows of all time are fake, such as Friends, Seinfeld, NCIS, Dallas, and thousands more.

> WHY would you watch a staged fake confrontations?

For this show, and for Springer, the reason is that it makes people feel good about their own lives. For just a few moments a day they get to see people on TV who are far more trashy and pathetic than they are, even if they aren't real.

I've watched a few episodes and I watch it for the absurdity value. It's so outrageous that it is amusing.

> WHY would you watch a staged fake confrontations?

My biggest problem with the show is that the producers don't care enough to hire halfway decent actors. Half of the time the actors ham it up more than a high-school performance of Hamlet and the other half of the time the actors can't help smirk, giggle, and laugh throughout their performance.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?
