Sorry dont have any but i am requesting some as this page doesnt seem to post any. THe one im ESPECIALLY looking for is the mini speech Joe gives the old lady when they are at the recital of Danielle. And he's a little angry...okay, not a little. perhaps a TAD more than a little. But anywho, if any of you guys who are reading this knows what he says i'd be ETERNALLY grateful! Thanks in advance!



Joe says "you know what Mrs. Meyers, I’m beginning to think that life and my role in it are meaningless at best, that events are outside of our control and that love is nothing but a torturous emotion which adds pain and suffering to an already sadistic existents and if we think that for five seconds we can transcend our base animal instincts, we're F@#K*D!" tabby "yeah I think that too"

if there are any more quotes that you need, just ask, i love this movie to, and now i own it, thanks to the wonderful world wide web. have a great day, hope this is the speech you were looking for.



I know I'm replying like a year later but THANK YOU.
VERY very much.
I looooooooove this movie.
I'm going to buy it for myself for christmas. hhaah


In hope you still use your account... Can you please help me with a quote that says something like

" there are 4 reasons why people kill for: money, love, fame and sex, and then what?"


"Is that blood?"
"I'll go get the shovel."



i love this movie so much!
my favourite quote is when they're going to the car and margaret says something (i can't remember what) and joe says "i'll keep that in mind when i'm getting gang raped in prison"

and when they've gone to the step parents dead bodies and car and joe is thinkking of a plan and margaret says "stop thinking with your head, it's not working"



I've only seen the clip on youtube, but damn that just made me want to see more. Can't someone please upload it on youtube?


any where online where i can watch this movie? i wish IFC was screening it soon...


Is really hard to watch this movie ¬¬ i need help with a quote, it said something like: there are 4 reasons why people kill for: money, love, fame and sex, and then what????

"Believing is easier than thinking. Hence so many more believers than thinkers."


without actually remembering, i'm going to guess: power.



Bad guess... It goes on to explain those 4


"I'm not retarded. I just wear glasses." 


Yeah, it was Mr. Phillips, and after naming those 4 things, he said, *beep* fame, fame is for assho*es".
