
The handlers for this movie should be ashamed. They put their advertising stickers all over the train station in Lynbrook. If you can't afford to pay the Long Island Railroad to pay for a signboard then DON'T STICK YOUR ADS ON PROPERLY PAID ADVERTISING. I've made it my mission to rid one station of these cockamamie sticker ads.

I'm all for independent cinema, but graffiti is uncalled for in any domain.

We need more COWBELLS!


wow. I didn't think tight-asses of your degree actually existed...


I didn't realize combatting graffiti constituted being a "tight-ass."

We need more COWBELLS!


interesting thread. I'm actually more against the constant bombardment of advertising than i am against graffiti. you say graffiti like it's the most distasteful thing. there are some cities where much of the graffiti is very artistic and purposeful. nonetheless, there is also defacement of property, which can be unskilled, inartistic, spiteful, or just placed in an ignorant location. spraying a tag over someone's windshield, no matter how stylistically executed is nothing but vandalism.

so i guess that it would have to be a pretty great sticker for me to see it as anything more than defacement. advertising and vandalism all in one.. i guess I'm with you on this, but maybe not quite so adamantly. in fact I've used up all the motivation i can muster just to post this reply, so i won't be out there removing any stickers.



kevin jordan played "ST-3" in Houseguest.....WOW


why gee and that you fella, the world is a now a safer place for your actions
