Duplex Drive Higgins Boats?

In the discussions after the landing craft were attacked by German E boats. The Generals advise Ike that, "the landing craft drivers were having difficult time managing these new duplex drive craft. They are very fragile in anything but good weather. Not withstanding the hour the division commander felt they needed more experience." They later make distinctions about numbers of Tanks and landing craft.

I have always read and been lead to believe the DD's were Duplex Drive Sherman tanks, modified with props to be amphibious. I have always heard them called tanks and never landing craft. The DD's were notoriously dangerous and I have always wondered why they never used USMC Amtracks. I would have also thought that since the USMC aviations doctrine was close air support for marines, they would have had a couple of Marine Corps squadrons. They would have definitly helped at Omaha beach. I know the invasion of Saipan occured just over a week later but I can't help to think their experience with beach landings could have saved lives.


Josborn, I would be ALMOST certain the 'duplex drive' comments pertained to the Shermans AND the problems of launching them into the water--it probably just got 'muddled/garbled' by the scriptwriter;

RE: the landings at Saipan, I have found it ironic that the Amphibious tractors made the landings at Saipan so successful; I sometimes think the landings on Omaha might have gone MUCH better if the troops had those amtracks instead of Higgins Boats.



Problem with the Amtraks is that they didn't have a heavy enough gun, although some used the same 75mm howitzer turret as the M8 HMC.
There was quite a lot of experience by then in amphibious landings in Italy and North Africa, the main problem at Omaha was launching the DD tanks too far out in bad sea conditions, the DD landings at Utah and at the British and Canadian beaches went far better.

"I was left in no doubt as to the severity of the hangover when the cat stamped into the room."
