MovieChat Forums > The Baxter (2005) Discussion > This Movie Is 100% Genius. Subtle and a...

This Movie Is 100% Genius. Subtle and amazing.

As far as American films go this has got to be one of the most well written/acted things that's been released this decade. It takes a few times but the facial expressions and deliveries are quite amazing. Just watching it again and decided I need to give it some love. Highly under appreciated. Not just the "stars" of the movie either...A.D. Miles' line about pulling up real estate equally matches every other part of brilliance in this film. Good times.


Agreed. It's definitely one of my favorites of the decade. I've probably seen it about 5 or 6 times and I pick up something new with each viewing. That A.D. Miles line is a perfect example of the film's subtle genius. This film has some of the most uncomfortably awkward scenes I've ever seen. The scene in which Eliot, Caroline, and Bradley go the burger place still makes me cringe. It's so painful to watch. In a good way though.


Sounds like the The Office (UK version). Might have to check this out. I like Mike Showwalter, David Wain, and Micheal Ian Black.


Prior to seeing this flick, I was only familiar with Banks, Dinklage and Rudd. At first, I thought it was more than a bit ridiculous but then...after re-watching it numerous times, I too began to appreciate the film. Now, when it's on tv, I never miss it.
