MovieChat Forums > The Baxter (2005) Discussion > i love stella, but boy was this a mistak...

i love stella, but boy was this a mistake

they call this a romantic comedy. I didn't laugh once. this is so shocking because every other work by stella: WHAS, Stella shorts, and their single season television show on comedy central were, what i thought, the funniest things i had ever seen. I was so looking forward to some goofball comedy about a clever comedic concept. instead, it sucked ass. i never laughed. there was nothing funny. the moments were uncomfortable, the characters were shallow and boring. nothing in this movie was worthwhile. so michael show was stiff and nervous and nice- so what? they made the 40 year old virgin funny in some moments. i know these guys can be funny, but this movie was not clever in the least. just a bunch of cameos by the people i recognized from the shorts and tv show. not impressed, just depressed with this joke of a film.


I love Stella and Wet Hot American Summer too, but to appreciate this movie you have to realize this isn't the kind of thing they usually do. It is more like a Woody Allen film, and I can appreciate it by looking at it from that point of view. If you were expecting another Wet Hot American Summer, of course you wouldn't like it.

And how could you not laugh at the line: "I heard bears can smell minstrel blood from a mile away"?


"Minstrel blood"?? Yeah, that's "menstral."


it's a good thing you cleared that up. otherwise, i'd have had no idea what he was talking about.



truly a far cry from anything show, black and wain have ever done. The most misleading movie ever for their die-hard fans. I'm a huge fan of MTV's the State, Wet Hot American Summer, The Michael Showalter Showalter, and Stella. I just went a few days ago to see showalter and black live at the Roxy in ATL and it was hilarious. I just saw this movie and immediately decided to express my disapproval here, within seconds. If you like hacky romantic comedies, you will praise it. If you are a fan of the tremendous underground portfolio that Wain, Black, and Showalter have compiled over the past 17 years, this movie is not for you. For the pro-romcom people, check out their earlier work, its a million times better than this movie.



"Classic," "Showalter's baby," "most underrated actors of our generation." Thanks for giving me a good laugh to wake up to. I bought this when it came out, being a fan of everything else Showalter has been invovled with. It was quite simply not a good movie. I've since passed it around to a wide array of people, young and old, male and female, and they all pretty much tell me, "Thanks for wasting my time."



Well, I liked it. Great twist on the classic romantic comedy. It didn't get to weird but it also didn't get too cutesy like most romcom's.

Wore pants... sometimes, Starred in movies that appeared in our mind


i thought it was pretty damn good actually. A good throwback, and not cheesy hollywood type romcom stuff. I'm a big fan of Showalter and company and though it wasn't typical, it was very well done. This isnt laugh out loud "I wanna stick my balls in it" stuff, fellas. Its not supposed to be.


There are so many great lines in this. I could see how some people wouldn't get it. Eh. Their loss.

"Oh, G! G is a classic!"


I've heard it described as a satire of the entire genre of rom-com ... is that true? Or is that just a defense of a movie that maybe was poorly written or directed or edited or acted?

Was Showalter feeling envious of the creative output of other members of The State, and didn't quite hit the mark here? Or is it deserving of the label "under-rated"?

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Chipping away at a mountain of pop culture trivia,
Darren Dirt.
