Favorite Quotes?

I found this movie funny, sweet and incredibly endearing. The script was intelligent and well acted. I'm curious if any of you have any favorite quotes?

I'm sure there are alot of ways I've gone that you haven't.- Stripes


I'm also a big fan of this movie and still can't get my friends to sit down and watch this after they've sworn off anything Stella/WHAS/etc related. The best moment for me is at the end, after the credits when Paul Rudd shows an alternate take to the final scene.

"And that's me...I'm a Baxter".

or the scene when Brad visits Elliot and Caroline in the morning looking for ride into the city. When he starts talking about his geodes and the elderly...funny scene.

(i'm cooler than you)


Elliot: Baaajaaa Cuisine!!!!

Caroline: Baja cuisine?!?! What is that exactly?

Elliot: Beer-battered fish

This is the first line that comes to mind although i can't remember it enough to quote it verbatim. Still, it had me rolling.


pretty much everything that comes out of wain-o's mouth.


I like when Paul Rudd is in the bar and Showalter asks... "what are you doing here?"
Rudd replies: "Well, you know me" then goes into an odd british accent "Guvnor, comin' in for a bit of the ol lagers and ale..." stops the accent and finishes "nah I'm just kidding, coming here to meet a friend from college".

Something about that scene is just hilarious.


I rather liked the dictionary stuff. Especially the reciting of the entry on gromwell.

I think it's because I'm overly affectionate towards words.


I enjoyed the entire movie.

The first dinner scene (Elliot, Louis, the 2 Swan sisters and their parents) always cracks me up:

Elliot -- "...I have two left feet. clomp clomp clomp clomp."
2nd Swan Sister -- "No you don't." [affectionatly]
Louis -- "I have webbed feet."
Elliot -- [looks over at Louis with a startled expression]


Caroline's Dad -- "...be careful of bears." [referring to the wildlife in Yellowstone National Park]
Elliot -- "Yes. Good point." [in an aggreable tone]
Louis -- "I heard bears can smell menstral blood from a mile away."
Caroline, the 2nd Swan Sister, and their mother -- [nausiated look on their faces]




I also loved this one from Caroline....

Caroline -- "I'll have my assistant's intern's assistant's intern book a reservation and email you to confirm."



Bradley -- "...it was a kind of... paste meant to make you hallusinate, and in the morning when I woke I felt cleansed."


"They have singing in Cincinnati"
