Ice Harvest DVD Review

I got an advanced copy of the DVD to review and thought I'd post the special features section. Now, I personally didn't care for the movie itself, but thought the special features were decent (especially since it didn't make much at the BO). If you care to read the rest, you can check it out here:

Director Commentary - Veteran director Harold Ramis (director of the comedy classic, Groundhog Day) gives informative and consistent commentary on his experience with the making of The Ice Harvest along with his explanation on the difference between Hollywood and independent films. Although he would've benefited from another person to talk with, he does fine on his own.

Alternate Endings (SPOILERS) - There are two alternate endings included, both are similar to each other with the second adding a flashback of Charlie suggesting the heist to Vic. These scenes are different than the theatrical version with Charlie, in the vain of this dark comedy, gets hit when the RV backs up and ends with him lying on the ground, blood spurting from his mouth.

Outtake - Billy Bob Thornton uses his Sling Blade character in a scene, which cracks up both Cusack and the rest of the crew behind the camera. If I remember correctly, he's done this on projects before providing some light-hearted humor (and it is very funny).

Cracking the Story - 15-minute sit-down featurette with screenwriters Richard Russo (Twilight), Robert Benton (Kramer vs. Kramer) and "The Ice Harvest" author Scott Phillips. The trio chitchat about taking the novel and turning it into a screenplay (even though Phillips' initially felt it couldn't be translated to the big screen). While the disc does include a commentary track with director Ramis, another one with these guys would've been great!

Beneath the Harvest - Your typical behind-the-scenes featurette but there's some fun insight into making the outskirts of Chicago look like Wichita (even though, as Ramis admits, they've never seen) as well as some shots of Cusack at work in the pouring rain (and with a fever).

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