Thank You, Illinois

The Cast and Crew of the Focus Features film, "The Ice Harvest", would like to thank all the communities of Northern Illinois that hosted our production.

We deeply appreciate the time and effort put forth by the local municipalities. We also appreciate all the fans that expressed interest in our film.

The cooperation we recieved from all of you has opened doors to future productions filming here and generating revenue for the State of Illinois.


"The Ice Harvest"


It would be great to see more productions come back to Illinois. Your Crew works very hard, and are so professional and efficient. Hopefully, the word will spread on how fantastic it is to film in our area.


Thank you to Harold Ramis and everyone involved in the filming of Ice Harvest! It means alot for you to have chose Waukegan to film the majority of the film a lifelong resident of Waukegan, I've seen it struggle lately with so much development west of us. Many have lost faith in the city. BUT NOT EVERYONE....THANK YOU! Please come back anytime! We love you all!

Hey, maybe you should think about having one of the movie premiers in our area, so the communities could take part! Please think about it Harold!


It's so great to see such community spirit generated by a film production. I am an actress and I'm always happy to see when productions film in the USA. I didn't get to work on "Ice Harvest", but I've worked with Billy Bob before. Thanks "Ice Harvest" for helping such an "American" area.

I live in Los Angeles now, where people are painfully aware of "Runaway Production" hurting our country. But, I don't think people in middle America realize how bad it is, sometimes. There was a time when news magazines said they thought that the film industry was a "recession free" business. That's not true anymore. Major corporations have bought out most of the major studios and are consistantly taking productions overseas.

One thing that the American movie going public can do is boycott movies filmed in other countries. I know that it's somtimes necessary to film in another country, for the scenery. But, many times it's not for that reason. Many times overseas filming is done JUST TO FILM as cheap as possible. I hope as more people become aware of the problem, things will get better!


How about a premier at the Genesee Theater in Waukegan. That would be great.


You aren't the first one that's said that. Heard little comments like that, ever since Ice Harvest started filming. Someone on the set even suggested that, especially since Harold Ramis lives just south of Waukegan.

So Harold, if you are listening.......Thanks for showing faith in our community by filming your movie here. We'd LOVE a midwest premier at the Genesee Theatre in WAUKEGAN!


Ah yes, that would be fantastic!!! Maybe it would be the incentive needed for the city to get it finished!!!


You are welcome, Mr Harvest.



Double thank you to all who worked on this film from a movie goer in New York who was just randomly picked to do a preview of this film and LOVED not your typical Ramis film (I enjoy his work) this was such a surprising trip.


waukegan smells.

We should show them who the real losers are.
Them. Them are the real losers.


Why thank us? Once this dog was viewed...Waukegan was ashamed to be associated with it. Just awful film-making....echoed from all the locals who wasted their $$$$$$$$$$$$ to view it. Mathon would have rolled over in his grave!


Thanks for making it about my hometown! Even if you DIDNT film it in Wichita, its nice to see a movie about Wichita!


yeah Thank You Illinois, like there isn't enough movies made there.
