MovieChat Forums > The Ice Harvest (2005) Discussion > Highly entertaining? This movie was AWFU...

Highly entertaining? This movie was AWFUL!

Holy moly was I dissapointed with this, I didn't laugh a single time. And what in god's name was the point of going on for like 15-20 minutes following a drunk Oliver Platt?? It's like they set up the idea of the robbery then just forgot about it for the next quarter of the movie. Okay I can maybe see keeping the scene where they first intersect and talk in the bar to establish their friendship, but then to go into that OTHER bar where Platt's drunkenly hitting on the bartender? Jesus was that 10 minutes they easily could've cut out.

And the subplot of the politican and the sex photograph?? What was the point of that?? This was 90 minutes of my life I'll never get back.
