MovieChat Forums > Sometimes in April (2005) Discussion > I need direction and guidance

I need direction and guidance

This film, Hotel Rwanda, Ghost of Rwanda, the book Left To Tell by Immaculee Ilibagiza ... they have all left such an impression on me. My wife is already involved in a charity for African wildlife, and that led me initially to Hotel Rwanda and then these other films. We are both very effected as we were essentially oblivious in 1994. She was finishing law school, I was getting sober in a treatment center (12 years clean in 04/2006!), and Rwanda was hardly a thought. Only now, 12 years later, with so much to be thankful for in our lives, are we so moved that we want to do something for the Rwandan people, for the orphans, for the women with AIDS unable to get AZT, etc.

I have been making contacts to find the right charities to donate time and money too, charities where I am assured my work will go towards Rwanda. We are planning trips to Africa next year.

I went to the message boards of my college alma mater to tell them of our interest and to encourage them to help, if not to donate money then at least to write their Congressmen about what is going on in DRC and Sudan now. I have been ridiculed for my efforts. Cowards hiding behind the anonymity of message boards have told me to "get over it," threatened to "take my Blockbuster card away," called Rwanda a "turd-world country," and even said it would be better for the world if all the people of that country killed each other.

I am dumbstruck that there is that much hatred.

When I have called these cowards out, challenged them to meet me when I return to my alma mater for a football game next year, the rest of the board has ganged up, made jokes about the genocide, made fun of me, even defended the haters. As such, I am selling the football tickets and giving the money to charities.

I guess I just need encouragement here.



Ignore the cowardly people who hide behind the boards and do what YOU want to do.

I spent a lot of time in Rwanda in 1998, 4 years after, and I can tell you that this is truly one of the most amazing countries you will ever be honoured to visit. Besides the natural beauty of the place, the Rwandese/Rwandans are absolutely amazing people, as most East Africans are. The scars of the genocide were still very new when I was there, perhaps they have healed since, but I doubt it.

I suspect that the people who ridicule you are too wrapped up in their own little self-induced safety-zone to actually care about what might be going on beyond their own picket fence.

Ignore them and do what it is you feel you need to do.

South Africa

P.S: Congratulations on staying sober, good luck!!


Yeah for the most part those people are called AMERICANS. Self absorbed haters of anything outside their own front doors.

I will not let your weirdness mess up my day!


Don't give up with what you believe in. You're doing something those haters don't have the balls to do; Making a difference. I'm sure they're just out to say whatever is on their minds just to stir up reactions from others because they're bored with their own lives and are looking to get a kick out of starting petty discussions; They're all talk. Ignore the cowards and do what you believe in. Good luck.

I have such a deep admiration for guys that roll around on the floor with other guys.-John Bender
