This movie is SO underrated.

This movie is such a good and important movie. I wish everyone could see it.

Go MISCHA/Marrissa(2003-2006)



This is an important and disturbiing movie that probably has been underrated and gone pretty much unnoticed. I had never even heard of it when I accidentally ran into it on SHOWTIME and watched it. A rich, yet harrowinig film experience that was not easy to watch, but well worth it.


I agree with everything you posted. I sometimes wonder why it is not as popular as it probably should be.

I guess people don't want to face the fact that things like this happen every few minutes of the day and it is just easier to ignore it which is a sad fact.

I was hoping that more people would acknowledge this film more. Maybe one day when folk start to really care about other people and particularly abused children, this will change.
I doubt it though.

