The frozen water

Someone said, "Now the Emoto water crystal thing was pretty interesting, but they should have gotten more in depth into it.."

And I agree it is quite interesting a phenomenon, but I have my questions about it.

As far as I remember, it has been said that if someone repeats "good" words, the water will form beautiful crystals when it freezes. And if someone repeats "bad" words, the water will form ugly and deformed shapes.

Now, how would 'water' know what "Hitler" means?

I don't think the word has -anything- to do with the effect, but the spiritual-emotional-energy state of the speaker. They can be using any words of any language, and the water will still react ONLY to the energy (or 'vibes', if you wish).

I have been thinking of ways to prove my assessment, like using a speech synth, but then again, there would have to be a process of elimination of ALL human energy-effects as well (which would be quite tricky).

For example, people could be asked to write only one letter of any given word, and different people would write different letters (none of which would know the whole word), and then the end result would be fed to a speech synth, which would keep repeating it.

I am sure that if done right, this test would prove that the water wouldn't react to "Hitler" or any other "bad" word any differently than a "neutral" word, like "Cloud" or "Existence".

Or you could get a japanese idol, who doesn't know what the word means, to repeat "Hitler" over and over again, and I am sure the water would still form beautiful crystals (or neutral ones, depending on the mood of the speaker, but we would choose of course someone in a delightful mood and ask them to think wonderful thoughts while repeating the mantra).

I mean, it's just ignorant and foolish to rush into conclusions, before you have tested all possibilities. It's _NOT_ the word, it's the SPEAKER who affects the water. What is a blessing anyway? It's just harmonious energy that someone pours at something. It's the energy that causes the effect, not the words.

Words have no power - intention, meaning, energy, the message itself - that is the thing that has all the power.

If someone insults another human being, the other human being isn't being affected by the word, but by the intention to hurt, the intention to insult, the MEANING behind the word.

But many people foolishly and erroneously keep thinking that words have some kind of 'power'.. when words are just highly evolved animal language, just simple 'urghs' and 'arghs' refined a bit. Nothing more.


The real issue is that first of all, Emoto isn't an actual doctor as some have labelled him as. He did this as an art project without any kind of scientific control.

He took water, added a word to the vial and then froze a drop of the water. When frozen he looked back at the water crystals and fit the word to the crystals. So for the word "hate" he chose the crystal that he felt was ugly and misshapen. There were countless other crystals there that could have looked nice or even beautiful but he ignored those in favor of the ones that fit the word.

It's just that people have latched onto his work as somehow being evidence that water somehow has memory and reacts to psychic stimuli. Any of this has yet to be proven but it doesn't stop them from pitching it like it's somehow true.
