Needed Subtitles

This movie needed subtitles. I couldn't understand what the main character was saying. Why would they cast an actor that can't speak English and then not include subtitles? Hello! Not everyone can speak Russian!


she's not Russian, she's deaf. But I agree. I watched it on DVD and needed to use the subtitles or I wouldn't have understood anything.


She's only deaf because she fails to understand that if she truly believed she could hear she would. And she talks that way on purpose-since she can't hear what we say she gets even by mumbling so we can't understand what she says. In order to understand her she expected us to learn sign language but since she's deaf and dumb she didn't expect us to take the lazy way out and use captions.


Does edition have subtitles?

Love is a grave mental illness-Plato


Maybe if you didn't downloaded the movie you would have subtitles... :)


I must admit that some of the sound editing/mixing was poorly done.

"Is this not a reasonable place to park?" - Raoul Duke
