Filmed in MY town

Lol just thought off that this was probebly one of the only times i could post this.. And yes this movie is filmed 10 min from my door, i used to work at a gaststation witch they filmed in front of .. (fila)

And also used to go to school with the lil hippy called Titus who plays the mainrole

"These Pretzles Are Making Me Thirsty"
- "Michael Richards - Seinfeld"


I saw this movie just last night, and yes I was stunned by
the beauty of it, it's a rare piece of belgian artwork.
As I understood from previous posts it was filmed mainly in
St-Martens-Latem, that would be your area then.
But the scenes on the outside of the prison were filmed in
Brugge, (I'm pretty sure of that) and so that is near my door :-)
And then I was wondering where I've seen that guy (steve) before ??
A brief lookup on imdb learned me that is was
in 'anyway the wind blows' wich I also saw recently,
he was already great then as felix and now nobody could do better
than him in a leading part as he portrayed steve.
Great you went to school with him, I wonder if he's so cool in
real life also :-)
I guess he must be, he's surely very talented, hmmm..
and I hope we can enjoy more of him in future movies.

It is preferable not to travel with a dead man **/ Henri Michaux
(from Dead Man)

