MovieChat Forums > The Man (2005) Discussion > Wow. Another black guy, white guy buddy ...

Wow. Another black guy, white guy buddy cop movie

When will they stop? They're all the same and they suck too.



In its trailer alone this film just hits so many stereotypes its unbelievable. Infact, this film makes a stereotype out of stereotypes!

Two hunderd thousand Orcs on your doorstep...Now thats alot of Orcs!


I think this is the first time, the black dude is the cop.
Undercover Brother should be nominated as The Movie on The Man.


Nice one on pretty much copying maddox without referencing him.


its great plus is big sam L jackson. the total legend and Eugene - HERO!!!!! such a funny guy. sit back and enjoy the flick!!


How did he copy him? Not one part of his post copies any of Maddox's articles verbatim, only the belief. It's true, this is going to be just another one of those movies appealing to the lower denominator. Everybody knows this, it's not priveleged information that a person can only read and understand on one website on the entire internet.

Here's the article that he supposedly copied:


What we need is a movie something like SWEET SWEETBACKS BAAADAAASS SONG except the good guy is white. At the end he could say something like "i'm not a hardknock, i'm a little bit ch, and i hate hardknocks and you should too".

These cartoons are truly bizarre and frightening!



What's your point? What makes this one so much worse that you had to start a whole thread about it?


Can we finally have a movie where the White guy is the badass and the black guy is really nerdy?
