Who likes Minilla?

I'm just throwing this question out there and see what kind of answers I get back. Me? I must admit with a small degree of shame that I like him. Of course, he's not as cool as Baby Godzilla and Godzilla Jr. but I have to admit I have a soft place in my heart for Minilla. I was overjoyed when I saw him return in this movie. He's a much better go-between for humans and Godzilla, and though some may thought it was cheesy, I thought the scene with Minilla and the little kid at the end was touching.

Peace is not the absence of affliction, but the presence of God. ~Author Unknown


To me, Minilla is nothing but a primordial Barney and has no real purpose in any of the Godzilla films except to try and make them more kid friendly. If I'd been Godzilla at the end of Final Wars, I would've just shoved Minilla aside and roasted the old hunter for trying to tell me what to do.


If you like him you may as well have Godzooki from the animated series in there haha.....


Well I don't know anything about the animated series, but I think Minilla vs Barney would be a good kids movie. Ha!

Peace is not the absence of affliction, but the presence of God. ~Author Unknown


I would love to see Minilla and Godzooky in the same movie. They would get into a heated contest to be the cutest and it would end badly when they get into a fight and either crush or roast dozens of children who had gathered around because they wanted to see Minilla and Godzooky.

Janet! Donkeys!


This movie would have been so much better if Godzilla Jr. had shown up at the very end and eaten Minilla.

Thit and thpin!


Worst. Probably the most fake looking besides King Ceasar, and he's sooo stupid.


King caesar was a statue like monster brought to life... Or something. So he's allowed to be odd. Minilla has no excuse for being a rubbish growth stunted dweeb.


Does anyone else ever watch son of godzilla and hope maybe this time you watch it godzilla wont save him from the mantis?


They screwed up godzilla jr, in spacegodzilla, ruined the movie. (Along with moguera, rubbish sub plots, and sub-standard miniture effects, but over all godzilla jr 's appearance).


I just watched Final Wars again. When Minilla showed up and the old guy was aiming his rifle at him, I was thinking "Shoot him!". When the grandson got in between them, I thought "Shoot them both! Godzilla is NOT a friend to children!"

Thit and thpin!


Minilla SUX, or Minya, or whatever he's called.


I have to say, I think this was the best design and best performance for Manilla. He wasn't as annoying and the design was actually genuinely cute as opposed to the earlier design. I even liked the little throwback to Godzilla's Revenge where he alternated between human and kaiju sizes.

"In literature, it's called plagiarism. In the movies, it's homage" ~ Roger Ebert
