Tad Garrison

I know his character was in the movie to help prove its point, but his fate really bothers me.
He was a good husband, a good father, generally a good guy the way he was portrayed in the movie. It just doesn't seem right that he ends up in hell. I see the reactions of his wife and daughter to his death and how the wife assures the daughter he's in a better place. I know she'd never know, at least while she's alive, but I'd hate to be the one to break it to the kid that her dad is not in a better place.
It just doesn't seem right to me that a God would do that to such a person.


God doesn't send anyone to hell, it is the rejecting of Jesus Christ that sends you there. The reason it doesn't seem fair that "good" people end up in hell is because they are good by our standards. We all fall in comparison to God's standards, and while we know people who do good things or are good to others, God knows their every secret deed, motive, and thought. None of us are guilty of just one little sin. The Bible points out that every single one of us have been discovered with multitudes of sin. Because of that, we can't earn our way into heaven, we need Christ. To say you don't is not only foolishness and arrogance; it is playing with the flames of eternity; it is NOT something you want to risk or gamble.


Kind of makes you wonder what the point of trying to live a good life is, though, doesn't it?


I'm not saying you shouldn't live a good life; of course you should. But it's not going to get you into heaven.


Obey the ten commandments, that'll get you into paradise.


Nobody can live up to the ten commandments. NOBODY. That's the whole reason that Jesus had to die for our sins - because we ALL fall short.
