Looks Great

This looks like it has a lot of potential! We'll see what the reviews are like after the Sundance Festival.


Yeah, I'd say I disagree with you there. I saw it at Sundance, and was not a fan. Sure, it was entertaining. But basically, I'd say it was a big buildup to a big letdown. My basic plot overview is kinda like "(BAD STUFF) happens, but oh wait, nevermind, it's ok now! Everything is better now!" There is like this huge reversal of all the unfortunate events for the guy. That killed it for me. I wrote a review for the site, but they didn't like it. I discussed it with everyone that I met that saw it, and they all agreed with me that it doesn't exactly give you closure. It was almost like a waste of a movie because of the overly "happy" ending. I don't know thought. Maybe you should decide... if it got picked up or anything.



im in the uk and havent seen it yet, but i cant wait. just to see schwimmer again in something new gives me goosebumps. i luv watching him, hes a great actor. as for the happy ending, to me it makes the movie sound even better. i luv happy ending!!


That is not a happy ending man, I'm not going to spoil anything for anybody but to say that was a happy ending in any conventional sense is totally unfair. There is nothing conventional about this film, including the 'hopeful but not happy ending.'

Give it a chance to anybody that hasn't seen it. It's suprisingly good. I loved it.


I think it was good. Not great, but good. It was a very sweet movie where I liked almost every character. I had no expectations because of David Schwimmer, who in my opinion (before I saw this) isn't a good actor, but I have to say that I was impressed. From now on I will think of him as a decent actor.


Looks great, Ebert gave it 3.5 stars out of 4. David Schwimmer is slowly starting to get better roles. He's a great actor imo, deserves it.


I saw it and I think it was a pretty decent film. Its not as good as Leaving Las Vegas but Schwimmer plays a convincing character and it deals with acholism very well. Way better than Schwimmer's TV show Friends. He might get a Golden Globe nomination for this.

I Eat Green Berets For Breakfast and Right Now I'm Very Hungry - Arnold Schwarzenegger, Commando

