Regret watchin it!

I saw too many good comments here. Of course these things are highly subjective but just wanna say that i was sooo bored on this movie, i was gonna stop watchin it! And there are only a few movies i stopped watchin in my whole life! Just wanted to let people know that not everyone liked it so that they dont go and rent it with big hopes after seeing this many good comments here! It is boriiiinnngg!!


just curious - what are some of your favorite movies?


The first ones that come to my mind are LOTR trilogy, Tarantino's all 5 films, The matrix, shrek, pirates of caribbean, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, closer, fight club, snatch, finding nemo, revenge of the sith, batman, amores perros, run lola run (lola rennt), city of god , head on (gegen die wand), igby goes down, amelie, my cousin vinny, somethings gotta give....sure i am forgetting a lot but these are some of my favorite movies.



I didnt read that review. It is obvious a lot of people liked it and like i said it is highly subjective. The reason why i needed to "bash" it is that all the comments here are real good and i dont want people who didnt watch it yet to get so excited based on too many good comments. I just wanted to let people know that there are people who actually found it boring. Dont want anyone to be disapointed thats all! (cause it happens to me a lot. i hear a lot of good comments about a movie, go ahead and watch it with high hopes and it turns out to be a bad movie!)

by the way the movies i listed are kind of my favorite ones. But i do like a lot of other movies too which are not necessarily similar to the ones i listed.


You're right, it is very highly subjective. I read your list of movies you enjoyed and about 95% I have seen and absolutely loved; but I really liked Duane Hopwood. So a person's favorite movies has no value. You didn't like it, but I did. I hear a lot of good comments about certain movies and then I watch them and blah..... Ha...I didn't hear anything about Duane Hopwood, so I watched it without having heard anything about it.

Here is some advice: Quit listening to other's comments and judge the movie on your own. Then...and I may only be the one who finds this funny...if the movie ends up being a total disaster, you have no one to blame but yourself. Oh well...And don't watch movies with high hopes...


Thanks for the advice : ) and i agree...
i watched this one without hearing anything too...I posted the previous messsage just because i was asked to list my favorite movies (that post is deleted by the owner for some reason) and most importantly i was asked why i felt like giving a bad comment about the movie...and i explained the reason...
