
I have to admit, I liked the film. I enjoyed it because it was cheesy, campy, fun, similar to the Charlie's Angels franchise, which I adore.
Sure, the plot was stupid and the dialogue was...not the best, but isn't that the point? Some people just enjoy light campy films. It didn't take itself too seriously either.
So why all the hate? (and for what it's worth, at least it isn't like an Uwe Boll movie)
I assume it's cause it's "not like the games" yada yada yada but...hey come on at least it tried. It may not be as accurate as people want it to be but it was enjoyable.
And again, at least it's not a Uwe Boll film. (we should be thankful for that)

Psylocke Fan 4EVA


I think it comes down to how much martial arts you want in your martial arts movies. I used to like Charlie's angels but now I more or less avoid that kind of style, because even though it has martial arts it's also aping off a few other genres. That said, drunken master is one of the funniest and well choreographed martial arts movie ever made, so it also apes off of the comedy genre, but it had a different type of humor to dead or alive, and I think it was more focused on martial arts than anything else where as dead or alive clearly had Charlie's angels as a huge influence.
