Underrated Movies Article

Hi everyone,

If anyone is interested me and some friends write for a website called The Amateur Hour Podcast and one of our guys has recently written an article about 5 movies which receive maybe too much criticism and that he feels are underrated. We would love to know peoples thoughts and opinions on it. Feel free to comment and give us any feedback...

You can see it here:


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Just read the article, first I'd say try to make a shorter summary of the movie, as the actual opinion appears very small in comparison.
Weekend at Bernie's 2 : never heard of it (or the first one either), feels like a fun movie, I used to watch lots of them at the time (most notorious Ferris Bueller, Porkys, License to drive) but being in France maybe it didn't come here. I'm interested in watching it now. The actual review is very short.
Wild hogs : I've wanted to see this movie for many years but didn't achieve it. The cast sure is great, but I don't think a sequel would be necessary.
DOA : First I really love the movie. Actually quite a lot of charaters are there, but most have only a few seconds screen time and loved ones Lei Fang and Gen Fu just pass through. Maybe saying the Director Corey Yuen has a long carrer of HK Director, actor, stuntman and fight chreographer would have been nice.
Forever strong : never heard of it ; maybe the fullest review, as your impressions are spread from beginning to end not just in the last paragraph like the rest, very informative this one.
Daredevil : I love the Director's cut and hate the actual theater version. The introduction is interesting and actually brings information about the "underrated" phenomenon around the movie (which is just barely scratched in the other articles except Forever strong, and in Wild Hogs it's more an interrogation of why the sequel was not made).
So I had pleasure reading the whole article and it made me get interest in some of the movies, but it somehow lacks structure as the 5 articles spreads information in 5 different ways.
