MovieChat Forums > DOA: Dead or Alive (2007) Discussion > You know when alot of people say a movie...

You know when alot of people say a movie is really terrible....

....chances are that it is! What a waste of my 87 mintutes. The movie is mind numbing drivel from start to finish and the only thing that kept me watching it right to the end was seeing Holly Valance in a bikini.

Seriously one of the worst movies I've seen this year. The other people who said this was crap are absolutely right. Infact, it's on a par with Street Fighter for lameness.



duh that was the point, it was obvious it wasn't taking itself seriously. That's what sets it apart from street fighter and makes it much more of a fun movie. I know i really enjoyed it cos i accepted the so bad its good quality instead of taking all the over the top bits so seriously like so many people on this board seem to be doing....

Last movie seen at cinemas: 'Superhero Movie'
Last dvd bought: 'The Cannonball Run'



I agree with the poster who said they accepted it's whole thing of "so bad it's good". Certain things about this movie annoyed me, but it's good enough to occupy me when I'm bored.

However, I still played along on the "100 things learned from D.O.A" bulletin. I couldn't resist.

"It seems you still haven't realized who I truly am." - Christie (Dead or Alive 4)


Play the video games and go through their story line and you'll see where the movie is coming from. The movie was just fine. It doesn't deserve the trashing it gets from some people, and it doesn't deserve the low IMDB score.
It's entertaining and fun.

Show me any Bond film where there isn't some evil genius on an island with sinister plans, whose place self-destructs at the end (or even Fantastic Four, or The Incredibles, etc. etc.).
And the martial arts and fighting in this was just as good as any of the other average fight flicks over the past two decades.

Perhaps you were expecting car chases or prefer Will Ferrell movies?


What do you expect. Actually I think the movie is good as it is. Nothing can really make this an actual movie, it's just fun. That is exactly why Street Fighter and the rest fail; they take themselves seriuosly and bother with a stupid storyline and actual dialogue. You can see the actors were having fun, the action is good, the girls are pretty. What more is there to DOA?!


Like someone else has stated before me, this movie was set out to be entertaining and fun, and that's exactly what it did. It wasn't made to be taken as a serious fighting film. I mean, how do you make a serious fighting film and have females beating the sh*t out of males? Also, how do you make a serious fighting film without having any visible signs of damage to any of the characters involved in a fight, moreover, with no blood whatsoever? Answering those rhetorical questions myself.....this isn't a film meant to be taken seriously.

"Ha, let me tell ya about 20 year old's my friend, half of them are 16." - 30 Rock


Here's the problem: In today's movie market, movies have to take themselves seriously if they delve into certain genres. Action video game movies though featuring some comic moments, sexy girls and tongue-in-cheek characters, still must go hard on the action. That's why movies like this fail hard. If this movie was so good like many of the defenders are claiming, more people would have gone to see it and it would have made more than .5-1 million dollars it's only reached. They should have made more of an effort to make the action scenes more exciting and kick ass rather than cartoonish. They obviously didn't do their homework and learn what their intended audience really wanted. Tekken did a much better job with their action scenes though that movie also failed to deliver. But DOA should have taken better advantage of the variety of set pieces they had to use in the same way Mortal Kombat did. Another 5-7 million dollars could have bought them some better fight scenes. The fact that they decided to use tv and chick flick actresses rather than real "action" or genre actors didn't help but then again they were hoping no one would notice.


This movie was NOT as bad as I expected from the preview. It gets a solid 3 out of 10 stars in my book. Solid.



This movie is pure garbage
