No violence? really?

The user review I've just read says there is not a single scene of sex and violence in this movie. It's a sad state of affairs for movies in general when a film with several explicit deaths (one of which on a wheelchair) is counted as "no violence". Not that I find it excessive, far from that, just a thought about what I call "emotional anesthesia".


There is a little violence


I had the exact same reaction to the very same user comment. No violence indeed. How about four people being explicitly murdered with a pistol, and a sixth being lowered into a container with cement? I'd say that pretty much qualifies.

"My girlfriend always laughs during sex-no matter what she's reading."


I agree entirely, there are a total of four fatal shootings in the film, which are treated in a very personal way.

<~~I caught a falling star - it cut my hands to pieces~~>


That's no violence. Those were... accidents.


Those aren't accidents! These people are throwing themselves into the road!
