Is this about Jesus?

Like those dumb Left Behind movies? Who watches this crap anyways...


Is this movie based on the Simpsons episode where Homer predicts the end of the world? Perhaps this will be more interesting than I had originally thought...?


I got some responses from fans of this film describing it as a deep meditation on spirituality which reinstills your personal faith in God. Is this true? Sounds like a great movie if it can change your religious beliefs, can anyone else recommend it?


All kidding aside, this movie is an absolute mess. My review will be visible at (dvd section) by Friday 12/22. There's so much wrong here I almost don't know where to begin...


I'm a bigger fan of the book (and the Celestine series) than I am of the movie. For one, the movie was at least a half hour too short. But I do get a feeling of deep spirituality from the story. Not only do I think it's one of the greatest stories of the "Aquarian age", but also the most important. Those who speak against it are full of obvious hatred that needs to get resolved. It's one thing to express dislike for something, another altogether to rave on and on spewing bile. The Celestine Prophecy is by far the most important novels/movies to date. Expect a sequel called "The 10th Insight" based on the book. Thank you Mr. Redfield!


This dreadful little film reminds me of Carlos Casteneda's mystical literary frauds of several decades back. As rotten and unintentionally comic as Castaneda's swill was, an awful lot of people who took Philosophy 101, and smoked enough dope, were convinced it was deep mysticism of great significance and wisdom. Relatively sober people who had actually studied philosophy were giggling by page 50, and howling by the middle of the first book.

Having skimmed the book and read a few parts carefully, I thought this guy was just another Castaneda ripoff or cashing in on the DaVinci frenzy (or Lincoln-Baigent-Leigh, actually, since they originated the plotline). The book was just too dreadful and childish to send much time on it.

The movie indeed does the book justice. If it hadn't been for some really great sausage and bacon pizza, and a lot of Orville Redenbacher's fabulous popcorn, the evening would have been a real waste. However, several of us had a great time hooting at this pretentious crap and marveling that large numbers of people could be taken in by such sophomoric drivel. As one of my friends observed, it just goes to show that universal suffrage was a lousy idea; there are too many suckers walking around that are too gullible to be trusted with something as dangerous as a vote.

It was a useful evening, though, since we could add one more category to our proposed list of "People Who Should Not Be Allowed to Vote or Own Firearms." In addition to such obviously bewildered souls as those who believe in alien abductions and those who believe in literal interpretation of the Bible, we now add "Those Who Don't Laugh Their Ass off at The Celestine Prophecy."


Funny thing about pretentious sophomoric drivel Smokehill Retrievers, that's what came to my mind halfway through that pile of diarrhea you call an opinion. All fluff and nothing to back it up. Go back to high school where the use of "big words" will net you some praise.


This movie is not anything like you said. The people that laugh at it are the ones who need to gain from it. The point is not that it is about a particular higher being; it's about finding the spiritual self no matter the religion. I read the book when it first came out and it has much more detail in it that the movie did not or could not offer, it is written simply so people like you, Smokehill Retrievers, can understand it...but the meaning itself has so much more to say. There was no need for a lot of fancy writing to make the book popular.


"...Having skimmed the book and read a few parts carefully ..."

You never read the book as a whole? So how come you feel eligible to comment on it? Or a you some kind of a phrophet yourself, who can tell peoples chracters by the looks of their toe-nails?

"...If it hadn't been for some really great sausage and bacon pizza, and a lot of Orville Redenbacher's fabulous popcorn, the evening would have been a real waste... "

Ah, salt of the earth! Backbone of humanity, stomach first! How come someone like you stumbled across the book anyhow?

"...However, several of us had a great time hooting at this pretentious crap and marveling that large numbers of people could be taken in by such sophomoric drivel..."

Not quite wrong, some people get carried away all too easy, that's why there are so many sects and self proclaimed "churches" around. Still all those people seek answers to their questions, which can't be answered with a burger and a beer. Major (multicultural) problem.

"..As one of my friends observed, it just goes to show that universal suffrage was a lousy idea; there are too many suckers walking around that are too gullible to be trusted with something as dangerous as a vote ..."

Right! Still they succeeded in Florida 2000 and Ohio 2004 and now we get universal suffrage the Republican way: global corporatism.
Wonder who your friend voted for - if ever...




Not really. this movie talks about a higher source of energy that people can tap into to benefit themselves and reach heaven. Some call that source God, others call it something different.
It doesn't really matter what you call it, as long as you find out how to tap into it.

Please don't point your gun at him. He's an unpaid intern.


No dude, way more than that


I -loved- this movie. My mother cried at the end because it was that something else she was looking for. We rushed out to buy it after renting it and have watched it anytime we need a pick-me-up. A great movie for those who understand it.


I couldn't disagree more. I'll chalk it up to personal preference whether the viewer buys into new age spirituality or not but, as a movie (I reiterate), THIS IS A MESS. It is poorly acted, directed, shot, etc., etc. Really, rewatch this and look at the special effects...ask yourself why the main character shows only one range as an actor...what positive features does this FILM contain (i.e., not the message or anything else that could be conveyed in the book itself)?


I don't despise movies just because the special effects are a little out of whack. What kind of movie-goer are you? This is a low budget film- what did you expect? As for Matthew Settle's acting range I disagree with you yet again. I love him as an actor, he's hard a lot of great parts including the starring role in Into The West and a part in Band of Brothers. Obviously directors are seeing something in him. It was very well done.


The Celestine Prophecy [PG]. Bastard child and heir apparent to Dan Brown’s ‘The Da Vinci Code’ and George Lucas’ ‘Star Wars,’ this film is lacking the creativity of the former and all the charm and originality of the later. Fans of James Redfield’s best selling novel, and viewers who are open to New Age religious mumbo jumbo, may find the subject matter interesting but anyone looking for the slightest amount of cohesive storytelling or true introspection will see this movie for what it is – a silly mess. Veteran TV Director Armand Mastroianni, and crew, does everything wrong here as the movie is as flawed visually as it is conceptually. From the opening (confusing) quote, from the aforementioned book, to the closing credits (all nine Insights – if you don’t know don’t ask) this movie beats its viewer over the head with the tenacity of a cult trying to induce new converts. In truth, this movie feels very much like an extended infomercial for the book, but, since it sold in the neighborhood of 1,000,000,000 copies I can only assume they are now trying to convert the illiterate. To those viewers who enjoy unintentional comedy, I highly recommend this 90 minute discussion about intuition, the sharing and stealing of personal energies, the religious evolution of heaven on earth, and the interconnectedness of all living things. Score: 1/5


well, sounds like you may need to get off your podium

I just don't understand why you would only attend only at face value when seeing a film such as this and skip any underlying meanings, reducing it to it's flaws.
Acting range?
Special effects?
are you joking?
Go and see a big budget film that's aimed at entertaining(distracting)you.
You mentioned BOTH george lucas and dan brown.... they are both entertainers, making money by keeping you engaged in a story. both very talented...but not in the same boat

...there is way more to be taken than you obviously have taken..


No. It is based on a novel by James Redfield that is an adventure/mystery.

L, U, E? 42.


The book was great. A real one to take you away, make you think and question everything. I've just watched the film, and fair play to anyone who enjoys this and can perceive the message, but seriously it comes nowhere near the enjoyment the book offers. Putting aside the "message" and reviewing it as a film alone, it is pretty bad. Poor acting, a story that's actually believable when immersed in the book, become pretty emabarassing when tried to recreate here. OK so some people cant or choose not to read, but this story is for the written form only. It's whole premis is to make you think deeper, to use your mind, and ideally to be read in sections. The whole thing is lost in this (only one word to describe it) trash.
Effects really dont match the true feeling that is provided by, these "insights" when reading this book. In saying that i dont discount a certain amount of validity of the things being said, but when you can see it being discussed on screen, I dont see how anyone could buy into it.



thank you very much! good message? sure...good film? No *beep* way!


I'm afraid I must agree with Gregor on its cinematic merits or lack thereof: awful mess but awesome (in the traditional religious sense) message, if simplistic. But Gregor, you should do your research. The book predated Da Vinci Code by a decade, though it was a similar sensation (in the hoary literary sense). You're right, however, in that the producers probably sought to cash in on the DVC mania, after several attempts to film CP stalled... You're right on target with the Star Wars "force" parallel.

Frankly neither book is particularly well written from a stylistic standpoint, and both disingenuously fudge legitimate teleological and semiotic issues. (Sorry that reads more pretentiously than intended, but they're the correct words. LOL.) If forced, I'd take the multi-faceted DVC over CP -- both in novel and film forms.


Yes, but not the Chistian Jesus. This is about the historical Jesus.


It's not at all like the Left Behind movies.. I can't wait for the day when people will stop mixing religious fear with spirituality. Spirituality is based on love. NOT fear.


According to the great, late modern prophet Gary Cagle of San Diego CA. this is the true story of Jesus as filtered thru Hitler. Better than the Passion of the Christ, but not as endearing as Glenn Beck.

"What is the sound an imploding pimp makes?"
Alonso Semple McFlondheim


I think that James Redfield's book is extremely difficult to be adapted to a movie considering that the book have valid points that are hard to visualize in a film.
