MovieChat Forums > Catterick (2004) Discussion > could anyone help me?

could anyone help me?

I was wondering if anyone could answer some questions of mine. Please forgive me if they are really obvious or I am just dim.

Why does Chris put an apple or a tomato on the windowsill of his house when he leaves?

What the hell does the swan in the wheel chair mean?

Why does Carl shake Chris?

Where does Tess go for the few months? why does she need that wig?

why does tony say that carl is a good friend when carl says he wont take toneys other shoe off?

Please help. If anyone could answer any of the questions or tell me what they think it would be very much appreciated.

Voodoo Lady


Hi. I think the main reason most of that stuff happens is just because it's Vic & Bob, and they're very random and can get away with it. I wouldn't bother looking for answers, as I doubt there are any.
But with the Tess thing... I don't know. I wonder if maybe she just needed to get away a while and sort her head out, like she says to Carl in the Garden Centre cafe.
Like the user name by the way: anything to do with the League of Gentlemen and the Creme Brulee song?



Thank you for giving me your take on my questions.

My name is to do with the league of gentlemen. I’m a huge Reece fan and that’s one of the reasons why I like Catterick.

Thank you, again.

Voodoo Lady xxx
