MovieChat Forums > Samaria (2004) Discussion > 7 deadly sins in Samaria?

7 deadly sins in Samaria?

Hi everyone,
my first post on imdb :)

I don't know if you recognized it but while watching Samaria the second time I really felt reminded of the seven deadly sins:

the first one, "Lust" isn't very hard to detect:
it is represented as well by all of the "customers" as well as by a few other people such as the mate of the protagonist's father. (-> the scene in the restaurant)

the "Envy" could be shown by Yeo-Jin's jealousy concerning all of the customers ( "don't ask them about their jobs" etc..) and as I think mostly important by the jealousy in the relation Jae-Yeong + musician.

"Sloth/Laziness": probably the weakest point in my theory but think about some of the scenes with Yeo-Jin (when father wakes her up "uhh, don't wanna take the test" blabla) or her father (when they get stuck in the mountains -> father smokes cigarette and falls asleep instead of pushing the stones away)

"Pride": cf the musician's character, the guy in the restaurant defending his girls way too jaunty.

"Gluttony": not sure about that one neither but try to remember the scene in which the father starts eating way too much Sushi as he can in fact swallow. I have no other idea which else symbolic function this scene could have.

"Greed": Shown in details (father having a greed for cigarettes+beer ;)
But somehow I think that Yeo-Jin's father is avaricious concerning controll over his daughter (the climax of his desire for controll -> Yeo-Jin's dream, he's killing her and even when being dead he still cares for her as he did just all the years before(cd-player))

"Wrath": the father-plot:he had been killing people although he might have been able to solve the whole conflict without using violence.

tell me what you think about that theory ( I know it isn't that airtight but maybe it can be an inspiration for a different interpretation ) and if you have any other ideas/examples agreeing or disagreeing with my ideas.



Sounds all very clever and intelligent.

But then couldn't you find the 7 deadly sins in almost any movie?


the father was at the mother's grave when he started stuffing the sushi in his mouth. i didn't view this as gluttony but rather some response to his depression and self-deterioration. considering by this point he knew what his daughter was doing,maybe things would have been better if the mother were still alive.


I Believe that the scene in the car where the girl dreams of her own death is a symbol from dream-interpretation: If you dream of your own seath it means that a new stage in life is about to begin. That the father still makes sure that she is comfortable with the cd-player means that he still is loving and caring for her - even when he's not there (in jail).

