Foreign Coverage IS great!

I've been at the Figure Skating Videos forum downloading foreign coverage, mostly British Eurosport, of the mens medal ceremony, IN FULL! 13 minutes, with an interview with Brian Joubert (en francais). And I also have a rather interesting and funny interview with Plushenko a few days after the long program, where he talks about the car accident he was in. I had no idea it was so bad until he himself described it, in a strangely funny way. I also have Plushenko's FULL exhibition, complete with encore. And I also have, from Dutch tv, Shizuka Arakawa's encore. It's amazing what people have put up! I'm so happy haha. Man I wish I had been able to see the complete medal ceremony here when it happened, considering how blue I was it would have made me feel better!

Just had to brag!

"When daylight comes, my kiss shall break the silence which makes you mine!" Calef from Turandot
