This movie sucks

Why is it that a 9/11 kills 3,000 people yet we let people starve around the globe without even a thought. In Africa alone everyday thousands of children die without medicine are good health care. This movie takes place some 4 years ago and people never get over it, proving racism in which Americans have more of a right to live than anyone else. Wow good message to kids for the Disney channel. IT WAS 4 YEARS AGO!!!

9/11 was bad yet we turn our back on the rest of the world. Problems in politics gives Americans the right to then crush a nation to find a few terrorists being crimes against humanity. This movie was boring, blah blah blah stupid dumb kids making little comical dramas and the only reason I watched it was due to the event of 9/11 itself the rest was junk.

The actors were horrible especially the main girl and her red neck father.

I give this 3/10...

Compalain to me all you want, I want to hear your opinions.


Excuse me, but first this movie was made THREE years after 9/11. Second, the death toll was expected to be much higher than 3,000. Third, we DON'T let people starve around the globe. Go look at how often we raise money and give to food drives and tell me we let people starve. Fourth, there's no racism involved in our foreign affairs whatsoever.

"Redneck father?!!" Where the hell do you get that idea from?!!


This movie does suck, but mostly just because it's a disney channel original movie and those have a huge tendancy to suck @ss!


While we all must admit that there is suffering throughout the world, it must also be recognized that the United States is generally the first to provide aid for disasters and Americans contribute more than any other nation to hunger and relief efforts. In part, this may be because we are bless by having so much. It also is because we are a generous peoples.

I am particularly concerned about the comment "The actors were horrible especially the main girl and her red neck father." What made him a redneck, his military bearing and his military service. If this is your belief, there is a serious problem with your thought process. If it was notfor the courage of young men and women to serve in the military, we would likely all be enslaved by the Nazis, the totalitarian Soviets, or many others who have attempted to abridge your freedom to make this review.

I hope you can gain enlightenment as your life progresses.


THE GREEN SCREEN scene are SOOO damn distracting, you can tell, i hate movies that you can tell they have green screens, PISSES ME OFF. damn disney and them cheaping out on things


i've got the same opinion, this movie sucks, yes it does. it's so dumb, you've got to think about nothing while watching it. actually i've got the thesis that you are more stupid after having seen it.
and: bad actors, green screens, it's just cheesy ...feels like walking in 3 feet high throwout

ps: the only thing i missed was the bill pullman president speech scene from id4
...i would have thrown my tv out of the window

0 out of 10


America is not always the first to give aid--read my other comment.


It isn't my damned resposibility to take care of anyone BUT my family, my g/f, my dog and that order. Now, that being said, those people that are starving always have, always will, starve. If we can keep another, BIGGER, 9/11 from happening, THAT will be acomplishing something. And that prevention is something I will contribute time and money too.

"The only person to celebrate Valentines Day the right way was Al Capone!". John Becker, M.D.



This movie does not suck at all. This was the most powerful Disney Channel original movie ever made. I thought that it gave a good portrayal of what people had to go through during 9/11.


i thought this movie did suck not because of anything involved in it excep thte acting TERRIBLE ACTING and its quite boring i mean im in for 9/11 all the way but come on this was so boring


The movie was very touching and almost makes me cry when you think about 9/11. The acting was good. What do you want from these people? More action? And they cast mostly unknown people.


I never really liked this movie, but to the op. It's not like everyone can help everyone in the world, it's not like everyone has enough money to stop world hunger. Being sad about death doesn't make America a bad place.


Look at the UK and DFID.


My thoughts exactly. But I only saw the movie because of the cute main girl. She is really pretty.

"Some of the *beep* we wasted here today are the finest human beings on earth!"


NO i agree with the second replyer

god you guys act like it was suppose to be 10 top ten greates movies to come out.

there acotors i dont think you could do any better.

in fact i doubt you can or you wouldnt be wasting your time complaing



Yeah, kids starve
ALL OVER THE WORLD. Why are you chastising America? We are usually
the first ones to provide aid in any form. And, people are starving,
is THAT going to make the impact of this day go away? No, it won't.
Why don't you call any other countries racist? Becuase I don't see any
of them providing help for Africans either. Well?

Don't tell us to "Get over it". I don't know where the hell you get off
by saying that America is somehow "racist", and how we (according to YOU)
deserve to live more than any other race.

It's not OUR problem that children in Africa die of starvation. It is
A problem, but it's not OUR problem. America does not keep watch over
the rest of the world.

News Flash: The world is ALWAYS going to be in bad shape, wether you like
it or not, so grow up.


America is not always the first to give aid--political red tape has prevented the USAID from performing its actiosn and most aid is tied aid to neo-liberal reforms. The Bush adminstration's Millennium Challenge Account was more for military purposes rather than economic development and improvement.

And no, the world is not always going to be in a bad shape. Not when you bother to care about it.
