The Ribbon...

Not sure if this was mentioned before, but did anyone notice that the ribbon from the chocolate box in the movie (when shes running from Aiden, the ribbon falls from the upper level balcony) is very similar to the ribbon on the cover of Eclipse? I know Blood and Chocolate was released in January of 07, and that the publication date for Eclipse was August of 07. I don't know if maybe it was just a coincidence or if they got the idea for the cover from the movie... I know Stephanie Meyer said that the torn ribbon was symbolizing being stuck between two different choices (or something along those lines) but does anyone think or know if this is more than a coincidence? Any thoughts?


I thought the same thing when I saw it in the movie. B&c and twilight both deals with werewolves and forbidden love. Weird coincidence indeed.

My mom's been *beep* a dead guy for 30 years. I call him dad. _Clerks
