MovieChat Forums > Blood and Chocolate (2007) Discussion > Every time I see this movie I get upset.

Every time I see this movie I get upset.

Ok, I get that this has been said many times but I cant help it. I know that book turned movies never follow the book word for word, place for place, age for age, character description for character description. I understand it. And you know, I dont mind. What I get annoyed with and just down right angry about is when movies change MAJOR parts. The ending to this movie was a total disappointment from the book. In my opinion the ending was what made the book beautiful and amazing...and I was waiting for it, I was waiting on my toes for it from the movie. I wanted to see that and instead they totally butchered the book. They killed and buried it under a pile of crap.
Blood and Chocolate is one of my favorite books of all the time, no matter how many times I read it I cry..
I hate this movie it is nothing like Blood and Chocolate and is an insult to it. It doesnt deserve the name of that wonderful book at all. No wonder people think the title is stupid, because the movie didnt even capture what it ment.
I watched this a while ago, and ranted about it silently ever since. I actually put the stupid movie out of my mind and re-immersed myself into the book several times. It started showing on showtime and I cant turn on the tv without it popping on a channel...hence this.


The movie is not the book, but that is alright. Both have their good points.
The movie tried to be scenic and artistic. The actors were deserving.


turn the channel?


The is the worst werewolf movie I've ever seen. Cliche crap where the american innocent girl saves humanity because she falls in love. Crap Crap Crap. The people who made this crap deserve nothing less that slow and painful death!

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i just finished watching the movie and i don't know the book and apart from the great cinematography, i am deeply disappointed.
the story was heading nowhere, there's no point to it.
i've decided to give the book a shot since many people seem to like it so much.

the only thing i really liked was that the werewolfs were actual wolfs and the transition was beautifully done. also that the story was actually shot in rumania, and not in an us studio claiming to be rumania with english streetnames and that kind of s***, i hate it when they do that.


Sorry, but I can't agree. I actually liked the movie much better than the book. I couldn't get into it and Vivian (in the book) just really bothered me. And to the OP if you get upset every time you see the movie why keep watching it? Makes no sense. I only rewatch movies that I like.

"They have to stay. Or else we haven't learned a thing." - Abraham Bernstein


I agree. The movie sucks. The book is so good. I own it and it's falling apart I read it so much. They will probably end up remaking it someday. I read somewhere about rumors of a remake.
Blood is thicker than water, and much tastier!


Agree with the OP. I was so excited for this movie, as werewolves are my favorite mythical creatures (along with mermaids), and Blood and Chocolate is my favorite werewolf book. I liked in the trailers that the werewolves turned into actual wolves, not dumb man-wolf-beast-hybrid-CGI *beep* things, and thought "Excellent, this is going to be good!"
And then my expression while watching the movie...first denial ("No, no, it's going to get better, they're going to start following the book,"), then anger ("What the hell, why did they turn a beautiful book into this drivel?! What is the point?!"), bargaining ("If they just keep the end I'll forgive the rest of the movie,") and finally, depression ("Well, damn. That just sucked,"). Acceptance? Not in this lifetime.

"It is destiny, my love! Destiny and chicken!"


Soooo true- I was so disapointed in movie!!!!



I honestly enjoyed the book so much, that the film shocked me with how much they cut out. I loved Gabriel and Vivian's relationship, how all the werewolves were pretty much savage and badass and how Aiden was a scared human, who couldn't handle the unknown. They should remake this and do the book some justice. Even Annette was sickened with how the movie turned out, that's when you know it was horrible.

You would think killing people would make them like you but it doesn't. It just makes them dead.

