Brandon vs. Kay

What was that about??? Brandon seemed to come out of nowhere, basically saying that he's mad that Kay...talks? If there's been any conflict between them before then BET has done a horrible editing job because they've shown none of it lol. Kay cannot catch a break in that house...I think she's managed to somehow piss off all of the GUYS in the house off, excluding Paul. Not even the girls have an issue with her (not that Milan and Tiffany ever really get any screen-time), it's kind of pathetic and petty.


Bradon ges on my *beep* nerves, I wish I could personally beat the *beep* outta him for talking to kay like that

Zay, I hope you sign up, because you KNOW we need you here


He was really passive-aggressive with it. It sounded like it was a few little comments that Kay may have said jokingly that Brandon secretly took offense to. Honestly, it was really strange to see--he just went off out of nowhere. The guys in that house are so dramatic, petty, and shady.


Yea but those so called comments that he got mad about dont even explain why he hates Kay so much? his whole disliking kay came out of nowhere to me. unless, there is something that i missed. i think why he really doesnt kay is from what paul said, brandon secretly likes kay and hes just mad at her because shes not giving him the attention he wants.


Yeah, I kinda think something happened between them that we don't know about. Editing id definitely involved.
His jealousy is probably eating him alive right now. He and the rest of us are still shocked Paul smashed Kay. LOL!

Kay seemed really mad, so I guess Brandon has some dirt on her. I'll wait and see.....
