
Is anyone here a fan of Milan? I hate when they have her talking during the little interview sequences...she talks so slow. I like Kay, Allison, and Brandon. The rest are phony. Brandon kinda phony too so he's slowly falling off my list.


She's not all that attractive, if you ask me.
and she's nothing more than real, she's fake a$$ hell!

No Pain, No gain.


No, can't stand her. She's not as cute as she thinks she is and I agree, her confessional sequences are painful. She kind of looks like a BRATZ doll.


LOL !! She kinda does.

She seems so fake inside/out. Fake hair, fake makeup, fake persona...fake, fake, fake.

She's not ugly, but she is definitely not as cute as she thinks. Her attitude takes points away too, cause she's so into herself.
I'm surprised her and Brandon aren't BFF's.


It's mainly when she straightens her hair. I see her and just think...BRATZ. My little cousin used to play with those things all the time and she looks just as fake as them.

I agree that she is WAY too into herself. I think that's why she and Brandon aren't BFFs...two egotistical people can't be, they always need someone stroking their ego for them haha and those two obviously can't compliment anyone else but themselves lol



Ok honestly, Terri's weave was horrid. I mean seriously, it was the kind of weave that really didn't do her any favors. And I thought Tiffany was the one who talked about Terri's weave?

And if I remember correctly, Milan didn't say anything that bad TO Terri except please dont bring strangers into the shower I have to use. Terri took up the pool stick and all that because she heard Milan chiming in on a discussion that was going on about her. This I will never understand, because Milan didn't even say much...Brandon did more to ruin her rep than Milan did.


I agree with you Melo. I felt like that fight was out of no where. All I remember Milan saying was how she didn't want random people in the shower. Hell, I wouldn't either. Random people = random germs. I remember the first episode Tiffany was the one who talked about how bad Terri's weave was.


Kay and Allison are the only cool ones in the house.

Damn!! My posts attracts so many nutty B-A-S-T-A-R-D-S!



I don't like the way like, Milan like talks like. You like know?! Like, it's like annoying.

I swear I want to slap her everytime she says "like" lol...


Lol I didn't even notice that she said like



i just recently started watchin this show, but is she american? i have a feeling shes east african or somethin but i mite be wrong.


I'm sure she's American. But she was either born in Jamaica or to Jamaican parents here.


Yeah I think she's American born, but her parents or grandparents are Jamaican so she feels like she has to have an "accent" to make herself seem interesting even though she's probably only visited Jamaica once or twice.
