
I like Tiffany. She seems real cool and laid back, doesn't get into any drama or complain or anything. So, what's the point of her even being on the show? lol It's like she hasn't done anything. The only time I can remember her being highlighted was when she and Chris started getting close, but other than that her presence is kinda pointless.


I honestly can't stand the b****. She instigated that whole situation with Kay and Kyle by SNEAKING in Allison and Kay's room, then snatched a note that was NONE of her *beep* business, showed it to Kyle, and then said she couldn't wait until Kyle "jumped in that a**." And for some reason, she NEVER got called out for it.

She's messing around with Chris even though she has a BOYFRIEND, and apparently no one mentions that.

And then on top of that, she's boring, has ZERO personailty, and doesn't do anything. She could have been replaced, to be honest.

I love the smell of racist, bigoted trolls and ignorant, inflammatory lames early in the morning.


True, but the fact that she does have a boyfriend was mentioned. She did say they were on and off, so I guess they're off for a while. I mean we never see her on the phone or with him so...


Yeah and she also instigated the fight between Kyle and Allison on the RV and Kyle finished talking and all of sudden she comes in and says "come on Kyle I'm tired." Knowing Kyle would get riled up still and I can't stand that she never gets called out on any of the drama she starts. But all the housemates will realize it once they watch the show.


She is pointless. the token blond cheerleader I forgot she's on she's on the show.
All she does is follow the bigger crowd, instigate fights, sits back and laugh at any and everything, and messes around with Chris.
Terri was a hot mess, but I'm sure she would've been more interesting.



She's a pretty girl, but by any means all the statements you made of her are false. If anything she starts all the drama in the house. She's sneaky with it though, she's an instigator. She basically fueled all the drama with gay boy, and Kay.


Oh lol. Maybe I just don't pay attention to her much because she gets like 15 seconds of air time each episode, so I thought she stayed out of all the drama. MY BAD, DANG! lol


Lol, sorry I didn't mean for it to come out like that. Wasn't intended on being rude.


Yeah you just haven't been paying attention.
She is my least favorite on the show because she's the type to try to fit in no matter what.


She's so boring. She has no personality. She sounds like Ben Stein when she talks. This show is too short to be wasting time on her boring monotone ass.

~the greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return~


Yes,definitely she is boring but I was hoping that Terri wouldve stayed on the show. I believe that things between those two would have elevated.


chris didn't have to hold her back she wasn't gonna do *beep* she's so wack it not even funny, she has no personality im happy she got punched in her nose lol!!!!


Lol, that's wrong.


LOL !! Yeah, I saw that too. I kinda felt bad for her, but she talks just as much crap.


I can't stand her. I still can't get over the fact that people so called call her stuck up because she's so pretty? Bitch please. Your not that cute. She starts way to much drama and speaks her mind through the confession. Is she scared say it to their faces. She talked so much *beep* about Terri but never said it to her face. She went into Allison's room and found the note. Was that any of your business bitch?

She has no personality. She's boring and talks so damn slow and lazy and turtle could make laps around her. Chris was holding her back? What could she have honestly done? She's been boring the whole season so I doubt the last 2 episodes she would do something to make herself stand out. Milan called her plastic and all she did was just confirm it. Yeah ok we all know what Milan said! What do have to say?!?

wAnT u To StAnD uP n DiS pUsSy DoNt NuT yEt ImA lEt U wOrK mE oUt GoN f!cK mE mAkE mE sWeAt


I think she looks like a bratz doll. If her nose didn't look over-sculpted and she died her hair a different color, I'd think she was pretty.


i didnt like her in the beginning because she came off as stuck up but after what she said about she would give up a trip anyday to see fayes face all over again, i changed my mind

KStew's ass turned me bisexualButtertabsten 4everAPCP Syndicate member


at the beginning i thought i was going to like her but she never became interesting...but when Milan called her plastic and she didnt say anything made me say why is she on this show


LOL !! She sure didn't do nothing.
She just stood there like a deer in headlights like she always does. She barely said or did anyhting for the entire season.
Now the show is over, she's barely memorable.

I will definitely remember Kay even though she came in later. That's a shame for Tiff
