Anyone agree with me?

for some odd reason i recently found myself watching american hotrod,they were building a car named crazy horse,now i thought duane was supposed to be the shop supervisor but when bluebear was teasing thomas with the fans duane is laughing watching them mess with the fans and he is not handling it by saying for example "Hey Bluebear knock it off and get back to work" isnt that what a supervisor or a leader is supposed to do? you might regard this as a little thing but it is just an example and this is exactly the sort of thing that can leave a grudge with people and creates tension.Is this guy really cut out do do the things he is doing? i mean he doesnt exactly appear to be a born leader because he appears to yell an awfull lot to the guys doing the work



Duane is a evil bald midget, and Boyd is a old grumpy moron.

That combo might be the reason why ppl jump ship and join the Foose crew instead ;)


I wonder what Duane will do now that Boyd has "passed on"?



The show not only left people with a bad impression of Boyd but of Jo as well. I heard through a third party that all the customers had pulled their cars from the shop after Boyd passed. The company had taken back the wheel division and Jo had fired everyone because she felt she wasn't getting the proper "respect". In any case I wish them all well.



We can always hope! :)


D is working @ WCC

Bless All Who Serve
