MovieChat Forums > Fat Albert (2004) Discussion > PG for Momentary Language????

PG for Momentary Language????

How is this movie rated PG? there was no profanity there. And how old do you have to be to rent a PG movie by yourself?



thanks. that IS some suggestive content right there



Nothing to when "Fat Abbot" got a mention on south park... :-)




I'm not even gonna speculate on what Mushmouth was saying; it's been too many years since I've had to interpret his lingo, and I'm way out of practice.
But, Prof, things have changed a lot since the early/mid '90s. A lot of retailers are having to take stricter steps with regards to consumer age. I work at a national video chain and we have to card anyone who looks like they might be under 17 before we can let them buy a rated R movie. It's made for some disgruntled kids who wanted to buy Blade Trinity and couldn't. They had to get their parents to buy it for them.
Gone are the days when the only place that would ask for i.d. was the local liquor store.

This is from my brain, so no guarantees.


