MovieChat Forums > Fat Albert (2004) Discussion > Does anyone else remember this?

Does anyone else remember this?

Is there anyone else old enough to recall a very early black and white animated version of Fat Albert?


I don't remember it, as i was not born yet, but there is a website that has origional black-and-white drawings-

and I think I've seen a few episodes of those on a projector reel available on EBay-


i'm 40 and i dont remeber that...although i do remember
when TV's were black and white then(1970)...where i lived
most folks didnt have color TV's yet...we got our color
around 1971...


This is probably what you saw:
It was great! Unfortunately has been locked away in a museum for decades.


Thanks. This is an old post for me. :)


UPDATE: Supposedly another TV special was produced but never aired. Here's a small clip of the original with some background info and character sketches: PLUS informative blog posts by animator Will Finn:


That clip looks familiar. Thanks. :)


The original Fat Albert special, was a pilot for NBC television, and was in black and white (was also the first appearance of Fat Albert). NBC turned it down saying it was 'too educational'. It was aired on cbs a couple of times during the shows 12 year (on and off) run, but never aired in syndication (which began when the shows final season was produced in syndication in 1985, which is also the only season that dealt with situations where Cosby would do a dislaimer and explination in his opening of each show for language and such that the audience was going to see/hear eg: one episode had the kids have a run in with the law over ilelgal activities, one episode dealt with a drug dealer, etc..).

Cosby brought the show over to CBS who liked it, but some changes to the charactors were needed (not too many since they were all based on actual people Cosby grew up with, who can be seen at the end of the Fat Ablert movie, minus the real Fat Albert Robinson who passed away many years ago.. they all gther around his grave to dedicate the movie to him). So the charactors, including Fat Albert were slightly differant in the original pilot special.

Prior to the cartoon though, Fat Albert and all the charactors were mentioned in many of cosby's stand up routines, espcailly 'Wierd Harold'.. as Cosby's stand up routines were actual stories from his life, and still are today.
