MovieChat Forums > Fat Albert (2004) Discussion > Russel,Why not let him out to?

Russel,Why not let him out to?

I really wonder why they didn't let russel join the gang in the real world,without him there just seemed to be something missing while the gang was out,he was stuck having to deal with that rival gang of thugs ,totally unfair to the little guy,is it possible that finding a actor to play his real life counterpart would have been to hard?The way russel dressed suggest that it was always to cold for him outside without a heavy jacket and a ear protective hat.


The other Cosby kids had to have a reason to go back to the tv. If Russel came with them, there would be no reason for them to go back. They wouldn't have a defenseless little kid to save.

House: You're still here? What have you been doing all night?
Cameron: Jello shots and wild sex,what else?


Plus Russel had to look after the junk yard.

He had to hold it down until the rest of the gang got back.


And even if Russell came with them they all had to eventually go back because they were beginning to fade. So going back to save Russell was not the only reason they had to go back. If they stayed out they would fade away.


It has long time been my understanding that in real life, Cosby's little brother died in childhood.

His ONLY existence was in the cartoon world. He had not REAL WORLD to come out to.

Maybe that's why... but yes, in the story, it was to have Russell take care of the junk yard.


Actually Russell is very much alive. He was even on the movie in the scene where the real live counterparts to the cartoon were at the real Fat Albert's grave.


I don't know why the writers couldn't write Russel coming out of the tv.He had to protect/defend the junk yard,but also,the tear hole into the cartoon world dried up and disappeared. Why did Russel always wear Winter clothes when everyone else in the cartoon wore summery clothes? That makes no sense.
