MovieChat Forums > Wedding Crashers (2005) Discussion > Probably a dumb question but...

Probably a dumb question but...

What does it mean when John said "true love is a soul's recognition of it's counter-point in another."

I just don't really understand what that means and why everyone got so emotional when Claire said it during her speech. Is it a metaphor for something?


Is English not your first language? In case your internet cant access google: "counterpoint is the relationship between voices that are harmonically interdependent (polyphony) yet independent in rhythm and contour."

So basically it's meeting someone who you are interdependent with, the other half of you. People got emotional because it's a romantic albeit cheesy line.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


Yeah, English is my first language. Is sarcastic prick your first language? :)

No need to insult me, it was only a question, jerk.


I assume you're asking about the sentiment and not the vernacular? It's your basic run of the mill soul mate debate. There are a number of variations on this. The basic belief is that life, God, fate divides a soul into two, or in this case produces two individual but spiritually connected souls. The quest for love is these physically separate entities searching each other out and joining (think of twins separated at birth with half a locket each).

It's a nice theory but think about how many married people you know that come from the same general location, even the same town. Many people meet in high school, the local bar etc. My brother met his wife at a fatal car crash! How many people do you know had the fairy tale met at the top of the Eiffel tower and both reached for the last snow globe story? Very few I would say. Most unions are the product of geography.

So either the universe is good with the intent but not the application or people settle far too easily. 

Hey! You're not old enough to drink! Now go and die for your country!!!


Why not just answer the Dan question without being a ducking prick?
