being a whore

When everyone thought she was a whore
no one belived her that she was being harrased
or they didn't care

Then when it is revealed that she was raped suddenley everyone is on her side
So what is the moral
That if a woman is promiscuous if makes it okay for people to harrase and abuse her

i told you not to stop the boat. Now lets go. Apocaylpse Now


Josie wasn't a whore. She was raped as a teenager and had a baby. Then she had her second child with her husband who turned out to be abusive. She never slept with anybody at work. They started that rumor so they could get away with harassing her.




True. I was so swept up in the drama that I didn't realize it.


You raise an interesting point. The film seemed to suggest that it was the fact that josie was raped that led to everyone's change of heart and giving her their suport.

One wonders what would have been the outcome if she had indeed been sexually promiscuous as a teen.

Disturbing to think a man can have any number of sexual partners without a second thought, but women have to keep their legs firmly closed lest it jeopardise a possible future class action...

"Puss rules!"
"It's Pus"


What we dont know is if glory would have gave her support regardless.

The other women then stood up following glorys lead, I dont understand how others didnt notice this. So it was glory turning that made others follow as she was respected. The issue was made clear earlier in the film, no one wanted to be the first.

Now we also know Bobby was one of the ringleaders with the sexual harassment, he was shamed in court and made to be like a child getting a scolding, suddenly anyone who was previously concerned about breaking the mould had that freedom to do so. Easy to understand if you ever suffered bullying.

It was over dramatized and accelerated of course, its a movie. I think in normal circumstances many of the employees wouldnt even be there unless called for evidence, especially the women who earlier had distanced themselves from her.
