Inspiration for Lost?

A plane full of beautiful people and a prisoner under armed guard crashes on a remote island inhabited by a big dinosaur that eats people.

The survivors split up into two groups.

A select handful go for help on a raft, but they are doomed.

One guy has no problem adjusting to island life and even tries to help the others. Some accept the help, others are mistrustful.

The only other person on the island is crazy.

Does this remind anyone of a hit TV show that started last season ... seven months after this movie debuted?



"You're confusing hair with schizophrenia. Common mistake." - missgreen16






no because LOST was in production for quite a while before this movie was released. however they both have a striking resemblance to other movies and books based on the same subject.


I just saw this at the local video rental shop in Australia, and the blurb on the back refers to this movie as being the rip-off of Lost, not the other way round. It said something alongthe lines of: "Pilot forgetting to put the plane on auto-pilot which then crashed onto a mysterious island and the passengers became 'lost'."

"There ain't no justice in the world and there ain't nothing you can do about it,"- Velma Kelly




No! If you rip off a good movie, everyone's going to say it's a rip-off.
If you rip off the best bits of a lousy movie, it's less likely anyone will have seen it and recognize it and more people will think you came up with a great original idea.


Lost as well as this movie are inspired by Cast Away (among others).

It just goes to show (1) how two crews can go entirely different directions with the same basic idea and (2) how some people see causality between two events that have absolutely no causal relationship.
