Dobby with Hooves

Who else thought that the sheep looked like Dobby only with hooves? Right after we saw it before the Incredibles my roommate and I both made that observation. I hope it's not just me who saw the resemblance.


that's exactly what i thought!!!!

"and really bad eggs. drink up me hearties yo ho!"


i was thinking gollum, but dobby is a good resemblance too

To a guy in Kentucky, I'm Mr. Unlucky


You're not alone - I thought that too, and kept waiting for the sheep to start talking like him too.


That's exactly what I thought! I was watching it with my mother, and as soon as I saw the shaved sheep, I whispered to her, "That looks like Dobby!".


Good one! I knew he looked familiar and you made the connection. I try to forget about Dobby whenever possible ;)


I used to be somethin,' all big name and cool,
I warned Harry Potter to stay back from school,
But he took off away, not taking the catch,
So I caused him to suffer during that big match.

Hey, ya see that? That's the way to do it. That's Old School.


yeah, heh heh.. No school like the Old school...




Dobby died.

