The Fat Lady

I can't stand how fat people think they shouldn't be liable to buy two seats if they want to ride. You pay for a seat, not a trip when you buy a ticket. If you spill over your seat into other peoples' seats, obviously you shouldn't be flying until you are willing to buy the extra seat.

I hold with those who favor fire


They only have to buy a seat if the plane is full. If it isn't they just seat them next to an empty seat. People forget they don't have the right to fly.


I have had a weight problem all my life. Have been both skinny and overweight (Not really fat like that lady, though) and spend much time flying as I love to travel. That being said, I don't feel sorry for her. I have sat next to really heavy people and they slop over into my seat. Once, I was sort of heavy and my shoulder took up space in the next seat. Luckily, I was sitting next to a super-skinny, very nice lady and she didn't take up all her space, so there was room for my fat ol' arm and shoulder. Otherwise, if she'd been normal size, I would have been taking up her space.
