A Might Overrated.

First of all, I will admit that I havn't played this game. Now, on to my rants.
I just can not find anything about this game that follows video game reviewers to find it "original", and "innovative". As far as I am concerned, almost all platformers released after the first platformer ever published was quite one-in-the-same. From the screenshots and video clips I have seen on TV, it does appear to be a rather plain platformer (plain, as in the game hasn't really created anything new, besides a different storyline).
If any of you who have played and liked Psychonauts could post a few of the unique and imaginative features within this game, then I would be greatly appreciative.


how can you make a thread about a game you've never played? I haven't played it either but I can't say it's the same as other games if I've never even played it. sheesh.


It's not the most original game in the world, but it is very clever, funny, fun, challening (but not impossible), and entertaining, and all of the psychic powers are very well executed. It has quickly become my favorite game.


Thanks, Yeti... that's all that I wanted to hear. Appreciate the feedback.


It's not a groundbreaking game, it's just very well executed. The level design and art are excellent, the dialogue and voice acting are excellent, and the characters and storyline are fascinating. It's not a particularly difficult game, but if you like action/adventure games you'll find it pretty compelling.

I don't think screenshots or short clips really give a good feel for the mood of the game when actually played. It's hard to show how the game comes together into a cohesive whole when you can only use still images or 10 second clips.


Thanks, realesch. I appreciate the reply on my thread, especially after a couple of weeks after the last post. Maybe, someday, I shall play Psychonauts. Again, thanks.


Well, innovative is a hard trick to pull off these days, especially if you're already defining it in a genre which already has pre-defined notions of how it should work. So I would say that mechanically you won't see anything new or novel.

But that's not necessarily a bad thing. Because mechanically there might not be anything really new per say, everything done is executed nicely. The controls are tight and intuitive and the camera control is probably one of the best I've seen on a platformer (I'm still amazed that even this far in the game, Mario 64 still has one of the best camera control systems conceived, and this one is just as good). Also, the psychic powers are done quite nicely (On par w/ Psi Ops IMO, though not nearly as integral), and you won't spend half an hour timing the peak of your jumps to see if you can't make it across some ludicrously wide chasm. And that's something that you can't really know unless you play it or physically see it being played (and something that casual gamers will miss)-and it's something that isn't really put to the foreground because if it's good you won't notice (and hence won't detract from the story itself) and if its bad it's glaring.

As far as visuals go, it is a very beautiful game with it's own quirky style. Not the most graphically intense mind you (Certainly not like fps style graphics or EQ2), but at the same time you don't mind b/c the game doesn't need high-end graphics to tell it's story; It relys on it's style and character to make it beautiful (Like the old Ogre Battle 64 or Grim Fandango).

And that's where this game really shines-character. This game has some of the most memorable characters you'll ever meet, and that's on top of a storyline that you want to listen to rather than skip through. And the comedy in this game is really spot-on. Perfect timing and execution; really the best comedy I think I've experienced in a game consistantly for a good long time.

So in the end I guess what I'm trying to say is that, while Psychonauts doesn't ahve anything novel or new in the mechanics department, it doesn't really fall behind as it is beautifully and tightly done. And besides, that's not it's selling point- it's selling point is it's fun story.




Don't forget I think you can still play it for free on Game Tap's website (works with a hooked up controller if you don't like keyboard controls), or you can download it from Xbox Live. It looks waaay better on 360 with HD hookup. The gameplay graphics are super crisp.

I will warn you, though, the very last level is pure torture (difficulty wise), but it's just one level out of an otherwise stellar game. Look online for tips on how to beat it once you get there.

Another tip I would give you is don't just play straight through the main storyline. Walk around the camp, explore, and talk to everyone you see. Lots of funny dialog and details. Plus, once you get your pyrokenesis merit badge, try it out on some helpless squirrels or birds (as if you wouldn't think to do that anyway). In fact, try out every attack on everything/everyone (not just enemies), as there is unique dialog recorded for most of these actions (trying to set people on fire, hitting them, etc.).


I started playing this a few days ago for the first time in nearly two years, but it took no time at all to fall in love all over again. The whole character of the game is just impossible not to love. All that detail (for example, on my most recent play I punched one of Milla's dancers by accident, and she replied "You think you're still on the moshpit, frat boy? You're on the DANCEFLOOR!"). Lots of funny little storylines between the various characters. I'm definitely picking up a lot more second time round 'cos I'm taking my time with it - I want to get to kow these characters better, unlock all the artwork, etc. And all of the mind-levels are fantastic.

This is a game to lose yourself in.


Yeah, you really need to play it to see for yourself. It's not the "features" that make it unique, it's the story, characters, dialogue, and humor that make it unique. If that's not your thing, you won't like it.


The game is original and innovative in its story, writing, and level design. The entire game is imagination gold.
Play it and thank me later, its not the greatest platformer out there (that goes to the Ratchet and Clank and Mario series) but it is incredibly enjoyable.
by the way, I never read a psychonauts review praising it for gameplay innovation.

In West Clownadelphia born and raised


I have to be the only person who hated this game. I thought it was incredibly overrated. The graphics were muddy, the humor wasn't as hilarious as everyone says it is, and the gameplay was tedious and boring. The game is passed off as innovative when it's just a platformer with "wacky", "random" levels and unintuitive psychic powers. It would probably appeal most to preteens who think random humor is the epitome of wittiness.


Ah, always the contrary one, who can't help but sink to the "If you like this you are obviously a child" comment that they will probably go back and claim was nothing of the sort.

I guess I'm an immature almost-24 year old. Oh well.


Yeah,, I realize I'm a bit late on this, but the humor wasn't random. I have never seen a game so well put together- they explained everything, and it all fit perfectly. The dark undertones made the game "realistic" in a way that many of the most popular, realism-based games are lacking. The character development flowed smoothly and was well-paced. The humor was spot-on, and the level design was amazing. I always wanted to play this game but never got around to it. I'm glad I made the time.
