MovieChat Forums > Hotel Rwanda (2005) Discussion > Rwanda genocide vs. The Holocaust

Rwanda genocide vs. The Holocaust

Hey guys,

I just wanted to know, and I need to know, what's the difference and similarties between the Rwanda genocide and The Holocaust? What do they have in common? What are the major differences between how they were carried out and people's attitude towards it?

I have to know know because it is so important for me, if you guys could just take a few minutes to answer my question, it would be really great, and I would be very thankful. It would also be great if you guys would answer in a long paragraph.

Thank you.


Well that is a rather tall order you're asking and the answer to that would be rather lengthy, not easily answered on a message board like this one. But I'll give it a stab or two. The Holocaust in Europe versus the Rwandan Genocide were two very different events really, not a lot of similarities. In a nutshell, the Holocaust was a slow and gradual genocide while Rwanda's genocide essentially burst onto the scene within a very short period of time. The former involved a sort of slow "ethnic cleansing" that didn't start with mass killings, while the latter involved mass killings immediately. The former involved ethnic groups that had existed for thousands of years, while the latter involved ethnic groups that didn't really exist for even 100 years but were "manufactured" by the country's colonial rulers.

The Holocaust happened from 1933 and possibly somewhat earlier, up until 1945 and targeted certain minorities that were regarded as scapegoats for economic problems in post-World War I Europe, and those minorities were often regarded as "not fitting in" with the majority of the European populace. The minorities were targeted with the German government and puppet governments in the countries they occupied (particularly Poland) gradually taking away the civil and economic liberties of these minorities, isolating them into certain buildings and neighborhoods in the cities (known as ghettos) but then eventually moving them out into the countryside into camps where they performed forced labor until they died or killed in gas chambers. Total deaths from the Holocaust were estimated at 11 million.

The Rwandan genocide on the other hand, happened over a 3-month period, with deaths somewhere between 500,000 and 1 million, the majority of them being ethnic Tutsis killed by ethnic Hutus. But unlike the ethnic groups in the Holocaust, Hutus and Tutsis were not real ethnicities in my opinion, rather they had been created by Rawanda's colonial rulers (Belgium) as a sort of divide and conquer strategy. The German and Belgian governments, when they conquered and colonized Rwanda, basically classified everyone as a Hutu, Tutsi or Twa based on how their faces looked - how dark their skin was, the size of their nose, the length of their neck, the amount of livestock they owned and other factors. Even after Rwanda became independent, these manufactured ethnicities didn't disappear, the locals continued to identify themselves based on what their parents had been classified as and it just was accepted to be the country's ethnic makeup. Tutsis had always been favored by the Belgian conquerors over Hutu and Twa people but only made up around 15% of the population while Hutus made up 80% or more. After it was believed that a Tutsi was behind a plane crash where the country's Hutu president was killed, a massive backlash, i.e. "ethnic cleansing" occurred against all the Tutsis in Rwanda by the Hutus, despite the fact that most had nothing to do with the president's death. The genocide ended when a Tutsi-led government managed to take over the country essentially (too complicated to explain here).

Does that do it for you? Somebody might claim I have some of the details of the Rwandan genocide wrong but that is the gist of it.


Yes, that's more then enough. Thank you. I needed about 200 words but I guess that's more then that.

Thanks man, much appreciated.


You are welcome. Unfortunately, it's just too complicated an issue to explain in 200 words or less. If somebody else could, they have my undying admiration.

As a side note, the Nazi German government did not create and label people as Jews, Gypsies and homosexuals (the primary people targeted by them who died in the Holocaust) - those labels existed long before Adolf Hitler was ever born. But the Belgian government DID create and label people as Hutu, Tutsi and Twa, and it just blows my mind that anybody could be evil enough to do something like that and that these labels continue to exist and are accepted in Rwanda to this day, even though Rwanda is no longer a colony of Belgium.
