I didn't get the ending when "la fea" was famous, did i miss something?


No... It seemed that the author wanted the girl to be a successfull (and as far as possible "desirable") businesswoman, give her some "revenge", but didn't want to give the guy a bad ending. He tried to be nice with both sides, but didn't find a really good way to end the story.


Well, Rafael isn't exactly the greatest human being in the world. Obviously neither is she. Granted, she was rather controlling of him, and the only reason we feel for him is because we get the story from his point of view. All she seemed to want was his love and affection. He was never actually honest with her about his feelings, though. Of course, being honest might've landed him in jail. He was always trying to manipulate her and he would ignore and scoff at her and everything. Hell, even when she apologized for being overbearing he gave her even more BS right before he tried killing her. In the end, he continues to live his mediocre life, but he's, seemingly, happy because he's finally out of her grasp. Then he finds out that the girl he tried to get away from and the girl he scoffed at and the girl who's idea he totally tossed aside is living the life he wanted for himself. They are both obviously very flawed individuals, but until she feared for her life and was planning on defending herself, she didn't exactly do anything "wrong" EXCEPT for helping him get away with manslaughter (albeit involuntary). Sure, she did coerce him into firing the attractive women, but he said it himself, it increased sales...

I don't know, I thought it was interesting how he ends up livin the mediocre life he hated and looked down upon while she lived the elegant life he was chasing.


Thanx...that makes sense


There's nothing mediocre about rebuilding one's life from scratch with a new identity and becoming a successful entrepreneur after a short time. With Rafael's personality and outlook, it's a believable ending. As for her, clown outfits making her rich? Puuhlease! It's a part of the dark comedy routine rather than a philosophical overtone to the movie. You must be a girl coz clearly you don't get how painful it would be for a normal guy to get locked into a relationship with somebody so ugly on the outside and the inside.


I thought the ending was BRILLIANT!

The director showed that even though Rafael and Lourdes seemed to be a match made in HELL... in the end, Lourdes becomes more like Rafael (fashionable, successful, snobbish), and Rafael ends up becoming more like Lourdes (ordinary, a bit homely with a quiet, stable life). They exchanged personalities or souls!!

FOUR STARS! This film was extremely imaginative with hilarious social commentary. Acting was SUPERB for all sides.
